Sunday, August 23, 2020
Free Essays on What Is Philosophy Of Education
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after
Friday, August 21, 2020
Risk Assessment and Critical Incident Report
Universalism versus Particularism is an idea sent by Fons Trompenaars, a Dutch creator. Fundamentally, this measurement inquires as to whether which is increasingly essential to you, rules or connections. The Universalist, or rule-based, approach is generally: â€Å"What is acceptable and right can be characterized and ALWAYS applies. †In particularistic societies, far more prominent consideration is given to the commitments of connections and one of a kind conditions. Universalism versus Particularism demonstrates how a general public applies rules of ethics and morals. In a Universal society, for example, the U. S. , rules and agreements are created which can apply in any circumstance. For instance, take the instance of attempting to go across the road at the red light. In a very standard based society like the U. S. , you will in any case be grimaced at regardless of whether there is no traffic. It will in general suggest uniformity as in all people, or residents, falling under the standard ought to be dealt with the equivalent. Despite what might be expected, in Asian social orders like Taiwan, where particularist decisions center around the excellent idea of conditions, it is probably going to approve of one on the off chance that it is his/her siblings or companions that abuse the traffic rule. These individuals are not â€Å"citizens†, however their â€Å"friends†or â€Å"brothers†. This distinction presumably clarifies why there have been troubles in executing a legal framework that is valid in our nation. Solid universalist societies utilize the court to intercede clashes. The more all inclusive a nation is the more prominent is the need to secure reality. Worldwide working organizations think almost certain in a universalistic manner. At the point when universalistic specialists consent to an agreement identifying with a high worth arrangement there are consistently attorneys required to guarantee that everything about accurately referenced and ensured by a section. On the off chance that one gathering would break a piece of the submitted bargain it is conceivable to draw the outcomes and sue the partner. In particularisticic societies lawful agreements don’t just stay faithful to their commitments something is recorded on paper. More than that they trust, depend and put stock in the business relationship which was develop in the time before the agreement was examined. Chinese representatives trust particularly on connections between the accomplices and exacting guidelines/definitions would presumably irritate/affront the accomplice since they would get the possibility that they aren’t trustful and are con artist. The significance of connections again strength be painstakingly thought of and considered particularly from universalistic societies when managing particularistic societies. Chinese attempt to keep the agreements ambiguous and not very tied. It may happen that Chinese specialists will in any case attempt to haggle a while later even the agreement was at that point marked/shut and concurred from all locales. In dealings Chinese will invest a ton of energy in working up a relationship with their colleagues so the genuine exchange will be toward the finish of the gathering time. While Americans managing Chinese, Americans frequently attempt to close arrangements as quick as could be expected under the circumstances. In any case, because of the Chinese method to make bargains the Americans may submit a bigger number of points of interest than previously suspected just to surge forward and close an arrangement. This can be a preferred position for particularistic societies. Universalist societies center typically more around rules than on connections. For example American workers contend hard for better employment positions and to move up in the progressive system and win more cash. They do this without thinking about associates and the relationship with them. In examination, particularistic societies like China center vigorously around connections. When working with/overseeing particularistic, universalists should construct casual systems and make private understandings just as they should attempt to search for reasonableness in working together by treating and looking on cases each as a particular one. Particularistic societies evade unbending or normalized frameworks to oversee across societies. They rather want to leave some space for changes which may happen later on process. A few generalizations state that Germans are gifted to fabricate framework and Americans are incredible to create and design new items/thoughts. At the point when markets turned out to be increasingly individual and explicit the USA came into issue with their method of large scale manufacturing and mass promoting. Particularly in rivalry with particularistic nations likes France who is orientated on individual and altered items.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
History Topic - Why Topic Insights Lefevor Is A Great Choice For History Essay Topics
History Topic - Why Topic Insights Lefevor Is A Great Choice For History Essay TopicsYou have not had the greatest luck with history topics, have you? And with a history topic like you history of the Venezolana de Teotihuacan, do you really know what to write about? Do you have a good idea about this historical center in Mexico City? Then you should consider using Topic Insights Lefevor.Topic Insights Lefevor is a computer program designed to give you an overview of the history of Mexico, Central America and South America from the earliest periods to the present day. This program is aimed at high school level students. With a history topic like Mexico's development, you should try to write about the most important developments of the country. You can refer to books for further information. But if you just don't have a good idea about what to write about, this could be the perfect program for you.And when it comes to topics like this, you can find topics about the history of the Venez olana de Teotihuacan in Topic Insights Lefevor. This is the most fascinating place in the history of the country. It is also considered to be one of the first capitals of Mexico City, but this was not known as such back then.The discovery of Teotihuacan in 1519 was one of the most important dates in the history of the country. Today, the city of Mexico is one of the most advanced cities in the world. But back then, this place was a dusty and picturesque hilltop town in the state of Hidalgo.The program you can use to look at the topic you want to write about in a History of the Venezolana de Teotihuacan is a new program calledTopic Insights Lefevor. It is actually a web-based application that can be accessed from the internet. And it is easy to use. You simply enter your history essay topic on its online database, and that's it.Topic Insights Lefevor does not ask you to get to know a lot about your topic of choice. It only provides a clear explanation of the history of the Venezolana de Teotihuacan. The program is designed to make it very easy for anyone to choose a history topic.What I think is great about the program is that it is not too difficult to find a history topic of your choice. As an example, you can look up topics about Teotihuacan here. But the coolest thing about this program is that you can check out all the history of the Venezolana de Teotihuacan at once, at no cost. The program even allows you to run the search through Topic Insights Lefevor as many times as you want.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
What’s the News
Whats the News? Our century is called the age of information. Nowadays you can hardly imagine one being able to live a single day without watching TV or reading a newspaper in order to find out the latest news. But how are the â€Å"hottest†news items selected and presented for us as something worth paying attention to? Editors numerous concerns can be confined to three key factors. The first reason is purely entertaining. Socrates, a Greek philosopher, claimed a human being to be an animal yearning for food and an amusing show. And whether we like it or not, there is more than a grain of truth in this statement. The choice of the news is often determined by the concern of whether the story will make a good show, which can compete effectively with other types of TV programs for the viewers rating. Another equally important issue is the educational and informative value. Our fast changing society makes people highly dependent on new skills, know-hows and specific knowledge in terms of their professional success and material well-being. Moreover, even general knowledge shaping the persons outlook is important. Newspapers and TV are popular sources of information and editors are bound to include the bits of news about the world economy, international relations, scientific and cultural achievements. Finally, there are ideological concerns. In many countries the government strongly influences, if not controls, the mass media and editors are supposed to choose the pieces of news which prove the advantages of the existing political system. That was the case with the news programs in the former USSR and is still true for many authoritarian states. So, next time you switch on your TV set to watch some your-country-today program, be critical and consider if the news item is a brainwash attempt, you are treated as a curious animal or it genuinely broadens your mind.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet - 886 Words
â€Å"The play’s the thing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Hamlet 2.2 .581) The meta-theatrical play The Mousetrap is central to Hamlet. The play-within-a play is a catalyst to the plot and works to illuminate character. This essay will argue that the scene places Hamlet into the role of a playwright who employs theatrical conventions in order to manipulate his audience rather than entertain. Hamlet transforms The Mousetrap play into an accusatory analogy of King Claudius. This scene also largely contrasts the playwright Shakespeare to Hamlet’s role as playwright as Shakespeare mirrors his own application of intertextuality seen throughout the tragedy of Hamlet. This particular injection of intertextuality provides Hamlet with the justification he yearns for, Claudius’s guilt to his father’s murder, whilst acting out moments of the past that will extend into prescient glimpses of scenes to come. Hamlet is provided with a troupe of players to help him stage the perfect per formance. Whilst describing the play Hamlet embeds an underlying meaning into the play’s text to invoke a certain emotional response from his specific audience ,Claudius. Hamlet confides in Horatio how the play will help remove any doubt of the Ghost s trustworthiness and will reveal Claudius’ guilt through the performance’s likeness and realness to the murder of King Hamlet.However if the play fails to elicit a response from King Claudius, Hamlet states that he will cede to declaring that he has in fact seen a damned ghost and hisShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 959 Words  | 4 Pagesnot to â€Å"x†(An analysis of Hamlet s Soliloquy To Be or Not to Be) There are many outstanding stories that have been written by the one and only William Shakespeare, in which a soliloquy of a character is very compelling. The play Hamlet by William Shakespeare is a story in which a man kills his own brother and then marries the wife of his brother and takes the throne while he is at it. There are many secrets and no one knows that the original king was killed by his brother. Hamlet is then told byRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1061 Words  | 5 PagesKylie Kwiatt Jaime Jordan Reading Shakespeare October 29, 2014 Hamlet through Feminist Lens In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the character of Ophelia may be looked at and analyzed through a Feminist perspective. By using a Feminist lens, readers may observe the impact of patriarchal society and misogyny on the mind of a young lady doing her best to fit into the role of a Shakespearian-era woman. Women were expected to be virginal, yet sexual, subservient and inferior to men, and possessionsRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1021 Words  | 5 Pages Ochoa1 Daniela Ochoa English Mrs. Levine 19 April 2016 Women’s Roles in Hamlet â€Å"There’s a remarkable amount of sexism on TV. When male characters are flawed, they’re interesting, deep and complex, but when women characters are flawed, they’re just a mess.†Ellen Pompeo. In â€Å"Hamlet†Ophelia and Gertrude are the only females mentioned throughout the Shakespeare’s tragic play. The two women are unappreciated and are consideredRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1650 Words  | 7 Pages Duplication and repetition in Hamlet create an effect in which the core foundations of the play are reiterated and given greater attention as to resonate with the audience. Each of these duplications are binary oppositions that showcase a similar situation with opposite processes or results-- ultimately the majority of these duplications are reverberations of death in scenes that show Hamlet trying to be a hero but ending up being a villain. There are two actions in the play that are duplicatedRead MoreAnalysis O f Shakespeare s Hamlet 1510 Words  | 7 Pagesknow how they would respond to such an event. Shakespeare s play Hamlet focuses on the concept of grief and the incredible power it has to change the way a person acts. After the death of his father, Hamlet’s character is often thought to have entered a state of madness; however, many fail to see that Hamlet has feigned this madness to seek revenge on those who have wronged his father and as a way to cope with his overwhelming sadness. The actions Hamlet takes and the persona that he presents addsRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1282 Words  | 6 PagesDuring this part of Hamlet, the King has just witnessed Hamlet’s play and concluded that his murderous actions are no longer a secret. Now that there are possible consequences, King Claudius feels regret for his actions and wants to be forgiven. However, he still wants to keep his prizes of being king and marrying the queen, therefore he tries to pray to be forgiven and later on devises a plan to get rid of Hamlet. James Burgh wrote the elocution manual The Art of Speaking to inform the youth ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1406 Words  | 6 PagesAs one of the most famous and world-renowned works, Hamlet has been remade countless of times both on stage and on screen. In 2009 a modernized rendition of the brilliant play starring David Tennant as the Prince of Denmark, with Patrick Stewart as Claudius, and Penny Downie as Gertrude was released to the big screen. Set in early modern times, the clothes of this movie may have been updated, however the language remained loyal to the original text. With the significant length of this interpretationRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1278 Words  | 6 PagesHamlet â€Å"To be or not to be, that is the question†Winner of four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor, Laurence Olivier states in his famous redemption of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, where Laurence Oliver played as Hamlet. Characters Laurence Olivier- Prince Hamlet Eileen Herlie – Queen Gertrude Basil Sydney- King Claudius (current king of Denmark) Jean Simmons- Ophelia (Polonius’s Daughter) Norman Wooland –Horatio (Hamlet’s friend) Felix Aylmer -Polonius John Laurie –FranciscoRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1609 Words  | 7 Pagesechoes and expounds upon the famous â€Å"To be, or not to be†(Hamlet 3.1.56). The former quote was written by none other than Danish philosopher and poet, Sà ¸ren Kierkegaard. Born in 1813, Sà ¸ren Kierkegaard was well acquainted with Shakespeare’s text and often referred to it in his writings. When watching Kenneth Branagh’s unique, unabridged adaptation of Hamlet, it is apparent that Kenneth Branagh was able to capture how similar his Hamlet and Sà ¸ren are in character while making his mark in cinematographyRead MoreAnalysis Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 844 Words  | 4 Pagesplay they always put their own spin on the original piece. When Kenneth Branagh and Gregory Doran both made films on Hamlet the presentation of the movies were different. All directors have a style to the way they film; Branagh and Doran both have different filming styles that portray Ha mlet in a different light. In Branagh version of Hamlet he places the movie in Denmark and has Hamlet being the prince of Denmark just like the play does. Adversely Doran places his film in the modern world straying
The Concept of Racism and Abuse of Power in Our Society free essay sample
This paper will use the movie Crash (Haggis, 2005) to examine the concept of racism and abuse of power in our society. Haggis demonstrates how everyone’s lives are intertwined and how the powerfully destructive impact of racist views impede ones ability to function justly. Madeline Leningers theory on transcultural nursing along with the RNAO guidelines and an article called Racism and Its Implications in Ethical-Moral Reasoning in Nursing Practice: A tentative approach to a largely unexplored topic written by Maya Shaha (1998) will help exhibit the repercussions racism has for nurses and the many other health care professionals. Brief Summary of the Movie The film Crash (Higgins, 2005) displays how numerous unrelated peoples lives entwine with one another while dealing with stressed racial situations. There is a Caucasian District attorney who is using race as his agenda. His wife and him are carjacked by two black men. The two young black men use their race to their advantage and as an excuse to commit crimes. The D. A’s wife feels that she is not racist but justified in her thought process as she knew that situation would happen. She also does not trust the Hispanic locksmith changing her locks after the incident, and verbalizes her feelings in front of him, making him feel degraded. There is a black film director and his black wife that feels he is demeaning his race and â€Å"acting†white to fit in with the film industry he works for. When they are pulled over by two white police constables she gets violated by one who is racist and is abusing his power. The husband stands back and watches in fear of being shot, and the wife feels as though he does not care. A Parisian store owner, who is often misidentified as being Middle Eastern, gets into an altercation with the Hispanic locksmith as he does not understand what the locksmith is telling him about changing his locks. The Parisians store gets robbed and he attempts to take it out on the Hispanic locksmith with intentions of shooting him. At the end of the film when there is an actual crash the white racist police constable reaches into an overturned vehicle in flames to discover it’s the black female he violated who does not trust him to safely remove her and freaks out. Nursing Implications Racism as defined by Dictionary. com (2014) states that is â€Å" a belief or doctrine that inherits differences among the various races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that ones own race is superior and has the right to rule others†. Racism has been around for hundreds of years. There is no room for racism in nursing, although it does happen. The patients that nurses are treating are in a vulnerable state. They should be able to feel comfortable with their healthcare professional and should be able to trust them and the decisions they make regarding their care. The mission of the College of Nurses of Ontario is †to protect the public’s right to quality nursing services by providing leadership to the nursing profession in self-regulation (College of Nurses of Ontario, 2009, p. 2) and they define nursing as the therapeutic relationship that enables the client to attain, maintain or regain optimal function by promoting the client’s health through assessing, providing care for and treating the client’s health conditions. This is achieved by supportive, preventive, therapeutic, palliative and rehabilitative means. The relationship with an individual client may be a direct practice role or it may be indirect, by means of management, education or research roles (CNO, 2009, Para 4). If racism is present when a nurse is treating a patient then the care that they receive may not be in their best interest. The patient may not trust the nurse providing care, in the same way that the film depicted the fear of the female at the end of the film that he violated. He abused his power and lost her trust due to his racist views and actions. As a nurse you are meant to use your position and knowledge to help educate your patient, not to instil fear in them. There are different situations that may arise in nursing with regards to racism. There may be nurse-patient racism, patient-nurse racism, patient-patient racism, and nurse-nurse racism. All of these types of scenarios that may present themselves do not result in the best care for a client. Being exposed to racism in the health care field can lead to stress related to making ethical decisions. A racist mind-set may be articulated through negative remarks about culturally different clients. Shaha (1998) states that According to Leininger, nurses’ ethnocentric attitudes towards culturally different clients may result in difficulties in nurse–client relationships. Such difficulties may have an ethical–moral dimension. In maintaining an ethnocentric attitude towards these clients, nurses may violate their dignity and autonomy (Leininger, 1991 as cited by Shaha, 1998). In the first type of scenario, if a nurse is racist towards a patient they may not take their cultural beliefs or rituals seriously, which my damage the trust you have with that patient. A nurse needs to be culturally aware when dealing with different races. Leninger (1991) describes it best when she writes that transcultural nursing is a comparative study of cultures to understand similarities (culture universal) and differences (culture-specific) across human groups. Furthermore, Leininger (1999) illustrates that our biases and prejudice usually come from distorted misinterpretation of past experiences or pure lack of knowledge, without any logical reason at all. As a nurse you cannot impose your beliefs on your patient. You need to remain open-minded and assist them with their own beliefs. In the second type of scenario, if a patient is racist towards their nurse it may be harmful to their health as they may not take the nurse or healthcare professional’s advice. Health Care professionals should not have to deal with racism in the workforce from their patients or from co-workers. That being said the nurse needs to be compassionate and understand that the patient might not be aware of what they are saying. If the patient is aware of what they are saying the nurse should try not to take it personally and should remain professional when dealing with the patient. If this is not possible than the nurse should attempt to find someone else to provide the patients care. In the last two scenarios, with patient-patient or nurse-nurse racism, the tension present causes an uncomfortable environment to work in. It creates stress among the other patients or staff working. Any issues amongst co-workers or between clients should be addressed immediately to avoid any further complications, such as arguments or abuse. In order to defeat racism in nursing one must be aware of their views on different cultures along with their views on their own culture. Nurses need to have respect for their patients’ beliefs and provide care to them regardless of their ethnic origin. Today’s society is rapidly growing and nurses need to be able to meet the needs of culturally diverse patients. They need to understand the differences in numerous ethnicities and develop strategies to use the resources available to overcome misunderstandings they may have. If nurses do not change any ethnocentric views they may have it may hinder care as â€Å"Maintaining an ethnocentric attitude towards culturally different clients will also hinder the building of a therapeutic nurse–client relationship, which is believed to be supportive in delivering care†(Shaha, 1998). The registered Nurses Association of Ontario discusses how culturally diverse the Canadian population is becoming with immigration and mentions that the newer generations, which are combined of numerous cultures, will not only be accessing our health care system but will also potentially become our future nurses. It is important to be open-minded as â€Å"They bring with them different cultural norms and traditions, different values and beliefs about health and about illness and its treatment, all of which will influence their views about health care delivery in general, and nursing in particular†(RNAO,2007, pg 17, para 2). It is important to remain unbiased as there is a â€Å"Correlation between nurses’ ego-defensiveness and their attitudes in caring for these clients, that there is a correlation between the closed mindedness of nurses and their attitudes, and that both ego-defensiveness and open–closed mindedness together have an effect on the attitudes of nurses towards culturally different clients†(Shaha, 1998, p. 141). Ways to remain open minded are outlined in the RNAO’s best practice Guidelines. See appendix A. Assumptions and Learning My assumptions about the topic of racism were correct. I assumed that it was present in numerous aspects of life. Although it is not as predominant as it once was it still does occur. I did not however assume that there was racism present in the nursing field. As a nurse you are meant to provide client based care regardless of age, race, sex, religion or any other factors. After reading the article Racism and Its Implications in Ethical-Moral Reasoning in Nursing Practice: A tentative approach to a largely unexplored topic and relating it to the numerous theories on racism and ethnocentrism I am now more aware of racisms presence in the nursing field. I was naive in thinking that everyone that became a nurse was neutral in their thought processes. I was also naive in not acknowledging my own prejudices. It is human nature to have preconceived notions based on a lack of knowledge and understanding. Being human I am guilty of being prejudice. The key is being aware of this knowledge gap and correcting it. I have been prejudice in my past and it was simply because of my numerous undesirable previous experiences. As earlier stated prejudice usually come from distorted misinterpretation of past experiences or pure lack of knowledge (Leninger, 1999). I have had numerous unpleasant encounters with males of Middle Eastern descent and as a result I have unintentionally avoided situations where I would have to interact with them. It is completely unfair and unwarranted to assume that all males of that Middle Eastern descent act similarly. In order to correct my preconception, I am currently making friends with a male from Pakistan that is in my Interprofessional health class. I am asking questions in an attempt to learn more about his culture and rituals, in hopes that this will rid me of my bias. It is important to remove this bias as I will encounter numerous cultures in my future nursing career. My assumptions were wrong about racism in nursing and I have learned about the types of racism that are present in the health care system and the implications associated with racism. I have learned the importance of being aware of my own biased views and will continue to address any issues I may encounter in the future. General Public/Societal View Based on the film Crash (2005), it would appear that racism is not okay, but the topic gets â€Å"swept under the rug†as it is a sensitive subject. Racism and it unmerited negative side effects are discussed regularly and society has come a long way but society also needs to realize that it still does occur. It brings to the forefront the concept of nature versus nurture. Is it something we are born with? If not, and we are taught racism through our peers, families and media exposure we should be working to eliminate it. I feel that it has a lot to do with what one is exposed to as a child and the way they one is brought up. Why is there still racism occurring and why do we see it in the health care field? We see it because of the ignorance associated with the touchy subject. It needs to be brought front and center for the issue to fully be abolished Personal Views and Strategies My views on the topic of racism in nursing have changed from unaware to informed. I am now more aware of the detrimental effects racism plays in the world of nursing. I am also aware of the lack of knowledge other people may also be experience and the importance of the theories that have been put in place to address this issue. The movie Crash displays just how often racism occurs in society and how it affects many people but is not addressed. In the future to ensure that I continue to be open-minded and respectful when learning about other cultures I will attempt to make my nursing actions culture specific. Firstly, I need to acknowledge my own feelings and behaviours toward working with clients, families and colleagues who have different cultural backgrounds, health behaviours, belief systems, and work practices. In order to do this I will need to read and learn about different cultures. By reading about different cultures I will be more prepared when I first encounter that culture. I will continue to complete self-reflections to assist in evaluating my response to different cultures that I encounter. By completing self reflections and incorporating feedback from peers I will be able to evaluate if my views have changed and it will ensure that I stay on track and remain open-minded. It is important that I am aware of my own views of differences among people, and reflect on how my own biases, personal values and beliefs may affect others. I will also ensure that I am aware of the disparities and determinants of health such as income, self-perception, education, gender and culture that exist for various populations, and understand the factors and processes that contribute to them. Being aware of these inconsistencies will in turn allow me to be familiar with how culture and diversity influence behaviours and interactions. I will â€Å"Develop and apply cultural competence knowledge and skills in the areas of communication, care planning, conflict resolution and change management†as per the RNAO (2007) guidelines. It is also important to educate those I am surrounded by about the issues of racism in nursing and in society to help bring awareness to the issue. By completing the self reflections, becoming aware of my own biases, and being aware of the differences in various cultures I will be able to provide impartial care to my patients and will continue to be respectful and unprejudiced. Conclusion Racism is prevalent in society and in the health care field. It is imperative to be aware of ones own biases to avoid incurring unequal care to ones patients. It is essential to continually educate oneself on the numerous cultures in society and learn about the differences present. As a nurse I will continue to learn and be open-minded. Education and knowledge is key in eliminating racism from society. Appendix A Individual Recommendations For each individual, embracing diversity means development of the following competencies and behaviours. RECOMMENDATION 1. Self Awareness – To learn to embrace diversity in individuals: 1. Perform self-reflection of one’s own values/beliefs, incorporating feedback from peers. 2. Express an awareness of one’s own views of differences among people (e. g. different opinions, different world views, different races, different values, and different views of society). 3. State and continually explore, through reflection and feedback, how one’s own biases, personal values, and beliefs, affect others. 4. Identify cultural differences among clients and colleagues in the practice setting. 5. Acknowledge one’s own feelings and behaviours toward working with clients, families and colleagues who have different cultural backgrounds, health behaviours, belief systems, and work practices. Explore one’s strategies for resolving conflicts that arise between self and colleagues and/or clients from diverse groups. 7. Identify and seek guidance, support, knowledge and skills from role models who demonstrate cultural proficiency. 8. Recognize and address inequitable, discriminatory, and/or racist behaviours or institutional practices when they occur. 9. Acknowledge the presence or absence of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds at all levels in the workplace, reflecting the cultural makeup of the clients or community being served. Reflect and act on ways to be inclusive in all aspects of ones practice. 2. Communication – To develop communication skills that promote culturally diverse settings: 1. Are aware of different communication styles and the influence of culture on communication. 2. Are aware of one’s preferred communication style, its strengths and limitations, and how it affects colleagues and recipients of care. 3. Seek feedback from clients and colleagues, and participate in communication validation exercises (e. g. role-playing exercises, case studies). Use a range of communication skills to effectively communicate with clients and colleagues (e. g. empathetic listening, reflecting, non-judgmental open-ended questioning). 5. Seek and participate in learning opportunities that include a focus on communication and diversity. 3. New Learning – To attain cultural competence in individuals: 1. Acquire knowledge of the range of cultural norms, beliefs and values relevant to clients and colleagues as a starting point to foster understanding – and further inquiry. Are aware of the disparities (e. g. health outcomes, access to care, economics, job opportunities) that exist for diverse populations, and understand the factors and processes that contribute to them. 3. Recognize how culture and diversity influence behaviours and interactions. 4. Develop and apply cultural competence knowledge and skills in the areas of communication, care planning, conflict resolution and change management. 5. Access, utilize, and partner with cultural resources. Anticipated Outcomes: A workforce composed of nurses who are open-minded, inclusive, and respectful of all colleagues and recipients of nursing services. Individual members of the workforce identify and are co-operative with one another to address barriers to equity and diversity, and build practice environments in which every person’s contribution is valued thus allowing the full potential of all to be maximized. These individuals refuse to participate in discrimination, harassment or bullying and address the issue in a way.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Samsung Essays - Semiconductor Companies, Samsung Electronics
Samsung Samsung Quick Background - 1938 founded as a trading company - in the 50s-60s went into anything imaginable - like insurance- paper- aerospace- property- retailing - used this base to lay themselves out for the semiconductor field Lets Break Down how they did it 1) Entry into semiconductors- 75-83 - bought a smaller semiconductor company in S.K. - wanted to expand out of low end goods - worked with Micron Tech. and other US firms - had American engineers at plants helping them 2) Catching the field - producing goods but wanted to be at the same level - to do this put lots of $ into the department - trial and error learning - accumulated debt- but looked toward the future - by late 80s started seeing sales boom 3) Becoming a Leader - started to overtake the U.S. and Japan firms it learned from in some categories - U.S. and Japan instead of helping out simply bought in huge quantities - first company with 64 bit DRAM technology - continued investment - forged equal partnerships to remain at the front of technology So What are We Supposed to get out of this? - these firms show typical strategies of late- comer firms - to do this they had a assembly learning period, then process development, and began to innovate - they utilized foreign know how - balanced perfectly the rate of growth - ?organizational innovation' - ?because their learning achievements are cumulative and built upon solid foundations, South Korean firms are well positioned to create new market opportunities and to respond to the fast-changing pace of electronics technology' Pat's Tid Bits - Hyundai 19 percent sales- Samsung 13 - Brad has a Samsung microwave- 1/5 of US microwaves 92' - Chaebol- the big business groupings - its hard for Korea to be flexible given its culture - my interviews Bibliography Samsung
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Lewis Structures or Electron Dot Structures
Lewis Structures or Electron Dot Structures Lewis structures, also known as electron dot structures, are named after Gilbert N. Lewis, who described them in his 1916 article titled The Atom and the Molecule. Lewis structures depict the bonds between atoms of a molecule as well as any unbonded electron pairs. You can draw a Lewis dot structure for any covalent molecule or coordination compound. Lewis Structure Basics A Lewis structure is a type of shorthand notation. Atoms are written using their element symbols. Lines are drawn between atoms to indicate chemical bonds. Single lines are single bonds, double lines are double bonds, and triple lines are triple bonds. (Sometimes pairs of dots are used instead of lines, but this is uncommon.) Dots are drawn next to atoms to show unbonded electrons. A pair of dots is a pair of excess electrons. Steps to Drawing a Lewis Structure Pick a central atom. Start your structure by picking a central atom and writing its element symbol. This will be the atom with the lowest electronegativity. Sometimes its difficult to know which atom is the least electronegative, but you can use the periodic table trends to help you out. Electronegativity typically increases as you move from left to right across the periodic table and decreases as you move down the table, from top to bottom. You can consult a table of electronegativities, but be aware different tables may give you slightly different values, since electronegativity is calculated. Once you have selected the central atom, write it down and connect the other atoms to it with a single bond. You may change these bonds to double or triple bonds as you progress.Count electrons. Lewis electron dot structures show the valence electrons for each atom. You dont need to worry about the total number of electrons, only those in the outer shells. The octet rule states that atoms wit h eight electrons in their outer shell are stable. This rule applies well up to period 4, when it takes 18 electrons to fill the outer orbitals. Filling the outer orbitals of electrons from period 6 requires 32 electrons. However, most of the time you are asked to draw a Lewis structure, you can stick with the octet rule. Place electrons around atoms. Once you have determined how many electrons to draw around each atom, start placing them on the structure. Start by placing one pair of dots for each pair of valence electrons. Once the lone pairs are placed, you may find that some atoms, particularly the central atom, dont have a complete octet of electrons. This indicates there are double or possibly triple bonds. Remember, it takes a pair of electrons to form a bond. Once the electrons have been placed, put brackets around the entire structure. If there is a charge on the molecule, write it as a superscript on the upper right, outside of the bracket. More About Lewis Structures Here is more information about Lewis structures: Step: Exceptions to the Octet RuleLewis Structure Example Problem: Formaldehyde
Saturday, February 29, 2020
A Range Of Problems In The Future Essay Example for Free
A Range Of Problems In The Future Essay Communism (145) , Winston Smith (53) ? ‘The world will have to grapple with a range of problems in the future’ The world will inevitably change as time continues to expose the past’s perception of the future to the now. As the earth ages, generations to come adapt to the new world they perceive to be as It is near impossible for every parent to educate their young on everything they have ever learned; thus attitudes and morals are continually fluctuating. It is undeniable that it has already affected society it is evident throughout today’s problems that were never pondered upon by older generations such as the rapid advances in technology. The future can only change, and will encounter many dilemmas along the way. Earth already has an overwhelming number of human inhabitants, and the world’s population continues to increase. Many people do not want to acknowledge the problem, but ignorance will not change the inevitable consequences of overpopulation. No animal species can exist without adequate food, water, shelter and other essential resources and humans are not exempt from this rule. When the human population exceeds the resources needed to sustain it, the same thing that happens to any overpopulated species; nature will reduce the population through famine, disease, interspecies fighting or a combination of either one. That reality has already affecting people in some Third World countries. Because of cultural, political and religious attitudes, almost no world leader is willing to acknowledge the problem, much less take the necessary steps to resolve it. The underlying cause of almost every environmental problem in the world today is human overpopulation. Air pollution, water shortages, habitat loss, extinctions, and invasive species all are caused or intensified from having too many people in the world. Humans are unique among all animal species in having the ability to solve even a monumental problem like overpopulation. This awareness is existent in George Orwell’s ‘1984’, the effects of extreme totalitarian society have stripped society’s resources and forced them to live in a dystopian environment full of pollution and overpopulation. Such a situation of local overpopulation has existed since the dawn of humanity and is slowly becoming a global existential problem. Technology today has transformed the world and changed how people live in their day to day lives. As advances in technology are generally perceived to be an advantage, it can enable the most malevolent evil. The realm of communications has likewise seen immense change. People are provided with new ways to communicate with each other, such as email and instant messaging which can pose as a breach of privacy if used for the wrong intentions. Documents placed on the internet are sources of information for the rest of the world, and will forever leave a digital footprint. Global positioning satellites allow us to track our exact location and find our way to various destinations; such accessible conveniences can alter the future in foretelling ways. George Orwell’s ‘1984, illustrates a dystopian society ruled by a totalitarian government. This extreme realization portrays a government with absolute power, in which controls every aspect of human life using a number of dehumanising techniques. Orwell’s dark vision poses as a foreshadowing notice, which thoroughly explores the consequences of advanced technology and its misuse. As Oceania’s mechanical citizens are constantly monitored using microphones and surveillance, expunges their right to privacy and to make choices. It is clear that the innovations of technology could escalate out of control, leaving society with no defence against it. Thus, it will ultimately destroy humanity in the pursuit of absolute power. The discovery of DNA has the possibility to lead to major social and scientific issues in society. With new advances in technology, there are increases in the consequences that the new technology will allow. It is evident in Andrew Niccol’s film ‘Gattaca’ that the more powerful genetic engineering becomes the more helpful and harmful it develops. The film depicts a society ruled by ‘genoism’, where your genetics decide your social class in the world with a stressed need for perfectionism. This depressing image where there is no determinism for fate or influence for ethical standards eliminates the right for freedom of choice, that people freely and obliviously exhaust today. The consequences of selective breeding solutions are frequently addressed in past and modern literature. In ‘Jurassic Park’, a scientist exhumes and modifies dinosaur DNA to then create an island inhabited by dinosaurs. Consequently, the impact of unnaturally producing a breed that has been extinct for a long period of time threatened the rest of the human race’s existence. It is clear that such meticulous science created in the wrong hands has the potential to impact the world permanently. Similarly, a frightening futuristic concept that threatens to dominate society is totalitarianism. The objective of totalitarian government is to limit and regulate every aspect of public and private life. George Orwell’s novel, ‘1984’, exemplifies a society lacking in freedom and expression. His fictional society in the year 1984 stands as a metaphor for a totalitarian society. Communication, personal beliefs, and national loyalty are controlled by the inner party which governs the people of Oceania in order to keep society from rebelling. The concept of also controlling the personal beliefs of the citizens promotes totalitarianism by limiting the form of any emotional or individual expression. The citizens of Oceania were forced to work long days which limited self-expression because they were too exhausted to do anything else. Oceania, where protagonist Winston Smith lives, is ruled by the INGSOC. â€Å"BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU†, the main party slogan of Oceania which makes clear that every action you make is all seen by Big Brother, the big leader. The Inner Party, controlled by Big Brother, dictates several aspects of the people’s life. As a society, Oceania are completely brain washed by the continuous propaganda which is based on false news, a new language which reduces the capacity of using words in a double sensed way named Newspeak and indoctrination, this newborn dialect empowers and respects INGSOC. The overall concept is designed to control personal beliefs of the citizens by limiting their form of expression. Essentially, controlling the communication aligns with the Totalitarian aspects of governing. George Orwell envisioned the lack of communication could possibly result to total dominance and control of the people. As civilization moves toward the point where human life will be irreversibly transformed, it will also have to overcome the potential problems that are carried along with any advancement in technology and government. All of these possibilities portray a pessimistic view of the future which has the potential to accrue into tremendous issues of whom the world will have to grapple. A Range Of Problems In The Future. (2016, Sep 11).
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Methods of research that warrant the use of qualitative research Essay
Methods of research that warrant the use of qualitative research methods in Criminal Justice - Essay Example Qualitative research is deemed as the more superior way with which to conduct important and meaningful research in the field of criminal justice/security management. Qualitative research methods provide several advantages which enhance the intensity of understanding with regard to the operations of justice system; criminals and crime as well as allowing for data processing that supersedes statistically oriented conclusions arrived at through the use of quantitative research methods. This mainly because of the difference in information due to the means of data collection applied, data analysis which generally provides a wealth of information on subjects being studied. Knowledge gained therein provides more information, is richer and allows for more concrete understanding. In this paper, I intend to discuss and analyze the types of research that warrant the use of qualitative methods in criminal justice/security management research.... myriad of intellectual techniques so as to effectively and efficiently facilitate for the organization, management, analysis and interpretation of data collected. Researchers in criminal justice/ security management use qualitative research which accords them the challenge to look for meaningful ways with which the acquired data can be produce workable trends and patterns required for meaningful research (Copes, Brown & Tewksbury, 2011). It is important to note that there are of course generally accepted guidelines in qualitative research which offer guidance as to how researchers can apply qualitative data information, actual tasks, and undertakings of data and information gathering, analysis as well as interpretation while ensuring an acceptable degree of innovativeness and creativity. Data collected and applied in qualitative research is sourced from a variety of data collection methods. These types include individual interviews, observing people, social interactions and place, an alysis of various forms of media, content guided conversations with regard to focus groups and personal engagements with respects to research sample settings in an effort to better understand how, where, when and what social interactions and social structures affect criminal justice/security management research studies (Copes, Brown & Tewksbury, 2011). Each and every one of these types of data collection differ, more so with the source and origin of data as well as in the means with which researchers carry out real time tasks towards the collection of raw data while also comparing these with similar and regularly realized events things and or situations. Interviews Interviews are in a nutshell structured conversations carried out by researchers with individual members of society in an
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Weekly Class Members Responses Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Weekly Class Members Responses - Assignment Example The way the writer has composed the replies reflects his/her strong writing skills. The writer has answered all questions properly and has explained the replies in a revealing manner. The writer has not left any of the questions unanswered or unexplained. The only problem I see in the replies is the informal structure of some sentences. However, that is just a minor issue that cannot overshadow the composition, knowledge, and writing skills of the writer. The writer has compared both letters very well. For example, the writer has classified the letters in terms of formal and informal letters. Moreover, the writer has written about the feelings of Oprah in both letters. The writer seems to be acknowledging the writing style of the sender in the second letter. In the end, the writer has mentioned the actions that both Oprah and the CEO can take to change the product
Friday, January 24, 2020
How Does Golding Make This Passage Tense And Powerful? :: English Literature:
How Does Golding Make This Passage Tense And Powerful? Golding uses many techniques to make this passage tense and powerful by using language and the content of the passage. He uses many types of imagery and dramatic language throughout the passage as well as changes in pace and many different sorts of sound effects. The most conspicuous means Golding has used to make this passage very powerful is the content. He implies that someone has died in this passage, which evokes many feelings among readers because death is such a disastrous occurrence: "That little 'un had a mark on his -face -where is -he now?" The way Golding has portrayed the death is particularly effective because it is not definite that the boy has died and not knowing something is more tense than knowing something. Also the boy didn't die in the book, meaning all we have is the reactions from the boys and what they say, instead of knowing exactly what happened we are left to think about it on our own, using our own imagination. The imagery that Golding uses in the passage is very descriptive and unsettling. He uses personification, similes and metaphors: "Tall swathes of creepers rose for a moment into view, agonized, and went down again." Here Golding has used personification to depict the plants. This shows how the boys are starting to see things and get very paranoid of their surroundings. The plants seem to be coming to life, which is very unnatural and disconcerting. "One patch touched a tree trunk and scrambled up like a bright squirrel." This is a simile, describing the fire to be like a squirrel, which seems really strange but also very subtle and powerful. Golding has portrayed to very different things: an innocent squirrel and a lethal fire. This makes the fire appear quite harmless; therefore highlighting its danger even more when we find out it has killed someone. "The drum-roll of the fire" --------------------------- The metaphor Golding has used here is repeated several times in the passage. Later he just says, "drum-roll" instead of fire. This is effective because a drum roll is a powerful and steady sound, very distinctive and of importance. Although it doesn't sound like a fire it is very significant like the fire is in this passage. Also the thought of a growing drum-roll going on during this passage builds up much tension. In this passage Golding doesn't just use the boy's speech to convey
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Speech Analysis
The speech was a very fascinating one. A very innovative one, that actually brings up a desire to do something, be something, and give this world something that we have never thought of. The initial part of the speech actually makes the students realize how important each one of them is, not only as a person but also emphasizes on the fact that the ideas each student possess actually mean something. The later part then deals with how to carry the ideas forward rather than ignoring them. How to help this world change just with the help of your ideas?The talent, the skills that each student carries, need not be wasted rather polished in a way so as to bring up something productive for the enhancement of the nation/world. Architecture is not only about keeping the dreams; rather it is to think over the practical implementation of the dreams. The practical implementation undoubtedly cannot be done as an individualist. Hence, to see our dreams having a physical existence, it is necessary to share the ideas, which would certainly make them better and powerful.But unfortunately what we lack in this present era, is the communication, the way of spreading the ideas is simply awful and not understandable to the audience. Therefore, what is important is not only to have the ideas rather to have a powerful skill to make people understand and interpret your ideas in order to generate something productive out of it. Hence it is very important to learn how to share ideas/dreams in a way that truly reveals excitement and passion and possibility behind them.Today, the advancement has made things so much better and easier, than how they were a few years back. The technology today has made it easier to develop something very innovative and new in the construction field. Point is, we need to set up our targets. We need to set up our goals and we need to determine our own definition of success. Success for us shall not be the matter of being the owner of two cars or something, rath er aim high of giving something to this world that they are going to remember forever.Perceive things in a new direction. Develop things in a new way. Change the living environments, bring up something more challenging. Design the cities that are more interactive than ever. Make the lives easier, by introducing concepts never introduced before. In a nut shell, Learning shall never ever stop. Pursue discipline, generosity, and knowledge. For these three things might sound outdated, but even today, they mean everything in the formation of one’s personality. Develop a personality that people would actually want to listen to.And if you pursue these three, then no doubt, you will not have to run after your dreams, rather your dreams will run after you. And that is how you are going to help shape a better future for the mankind. It was no doubt a highly motivating speech, that would definitely rise an urge to do something productive and memorable, in order to be remembered. Your ta lent is what you call imagination, invention or innovation. Therefore, there is a dire need to look out for the ways to establish your personality in such a way that would help you see the physical existence of all that you have in your mind.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Essay about Employment Law - Sexual Harassment - 987 Words
Scenario Summary: Review the Sexual Harassment Tutorial found in the lecture. After viewing the Sexual Harassment Tutorial, completing the reading, and reviewing the lecture notes in conjunction with the TCO, answer the following questions about the tutorial scenario and facts. You’re Role/Assignment: 1. Based upon the scenario, does the employee have a legally viable claim for quid pro quo sexual harassment and/or hostile environment sexual harassment? What is the likely outcome? Based on Robert’s behavior and comments, Brittany was experiencing a hostile environment sexual harassment. Robert is a co-worker whose behavior is unwelcome and inappropriate; therefore creating a workplace that is intimidating, hostile, and/or†¦show more content†¦The Supreme Court (Harris v Forklift) concluded that a hostile or abusive work environment can be determined only by looking at all the circumstances. According to established guidance, some factors could be part of the â€Å"circumstances†in a case. They include frequency of discriminatory conduct; severity of the conduct; whether it is physically threatening or humiliating or merely offensive utterance; and whether it unreasonably interferes with an employees work performance. Brittany often witnessed Robert staring at the bikini photo and he actually took the photo to scan and make his computer screensaver (frequency and severity). Although Robert’s conduct was not necessarily physically threatening, it was humiliating and offensive. After voicing her displeasure, Robert informed Brittany’s supervisor that she was not performing her duties in a timely manner. This upset Brittany therefore causing several missed workdays (work interference). These actions are clear violations of a hostile environment sexual harassment. EEOC determines sexual harassment to be unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. In quid pro quo cases, an offense occurs if it pertains to conditions of the employee’s employment or institutes the foundation for employment decisions affecting the employee.Show MoreRelatedSexual Harassment - Case Study 21437 Words  | 6 Pages Sexual Harassment – Case study 2 Stephanie K. Allen Business 2130 Employment Law for Business February 8, 2015 Dr. Hamid Kazeroony â€Æ' â€Å"Men believe we should have laws against sexual harassment, but their hostile reaction toward women who sued successfully for sexual harassment shows that they are, in fact, threatened by the law. The criminalization of the woman reimagines the men as victims and the woman as a perpetrator†(Tinkler, 2012, p. 37). 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