Monday, December 30, 2019
The Allegory Of The Cave - 872 Words
By the time The Republic was written the term had a new meaning. Instead of the method previously described, it was now used to describe what something is. â€Å"The Republic stresses that true dialectic is performed by thinking solely of the abstract and nonsensible realm of forms; it requires that reason secure an unhypothetical first principle (the Good) and then derive other results in light of it†(Meinwald). In later dialogues like Parmenides, dialectic is used to understand forms in the proper manner. Although The Allegory of the Cave was mentioned in relation to the Republic, Plato also used it to describe â€Å"the divided line†and being and becoming. In describing and explaining the Divided Line, Plato creates an analogy or allegory to describe his Theory of Forms and his ideals of Being and Becoming (Allegory of the Cave). To do so he created his famous Allegory of the Cave. It begins in a dark cave in which prisoners have been bound to their entire lives. Being bound to this cave, they have been subjected to shadows cast behind a wall, which are being manipulated by other people. They believe that these shadows are real because this is all they know. This part of the allegory is meant to symbolize Plato’s idea of illusions and of shadows, the lowest form of reality that exists in the Divided Line (Allegory of the Cave). Next, a prisoner is released and allowed to witness and understand what is actually happening in the real world. The world he has come to understandShow MoreRelatedThe Allegory Of The Cave1086 Words  | 5 PagesExplain the allegorical significance(s) of the cave in Plato’s Republic. How is the cave an allegory of Plato’s philosophy? How is the allegory of the cave an allegory for enlightenment or philosophical education? How and why are most human beings like prisoners in a cave? Who are the puppeteers? What does the world outside the cave represent? What does the sun represent? Etc. What is Plato’s Theory of the Forms? What is a Form? How does the allegory of the cave express Plato’s Theory of the Forms? HowRead MoreThe Allegory of the Cave907 Words  | 4 Pagesman follow the law, and how do implications of society affect our behavior. The most interesting topic from the Republic is from Book VII, the allegory of the cave. With the allegory of the cave Plato gives us the power to break the chains that bind us down and leads us to see the light. In the allegory of the cave Plato sets the scene with humans in a cave that have been chained since childhood so they are restricted from moving and looking around the room. These people only see the shadows castedRead MoreThe Allegory Of The Cave1382 Words  | 6 Pageshis most intricate, yet his most important figure: the Allegory of the Cave. Socrates calls on the interlocutors to imagine a dimly lit cave in which a group of prisoners are chained behind a wall in such a way that they cannot move and are forced to stare at a wall all day. Thanks to a small fire, the prisoners are able to see the shadows of their imprisoners and images their imprisoners projected on the wall. Having always been in the cave, the prisoners believe the shadows are true; similarlyRead MoreThe Allegory Of The Cave1307 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Allegory of the Cave there are prisoners are chained up together in which they are all facing the back wall. There is a firing behind the prisoners and the onl y thing that they can see are the shadows of the people behind them. The fire casts shadows on the wall so this is the only thing that they see. Their entire lives have been based on these shadows on the wall. These prisoners have been chained up since birth, so what they see on the walls is all they know. In the Allegory of the Cave, theyRead MoreThe Allegory Of The Cave Essay975 Words  | 4 Pagesof philosophy in Brooklyn College, once said â€Å"The only thing we know for certain is that nothing is certain.†This is the main philosophy behind both Plato’s â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave†, and the renowned sci-fi movie â€Å"The Matrix.†Both works deal with escaping a false reality while unveiling a real one. In Plato’s â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave†, the escaped prisoner synonymous to the character Neo in â€Å"The Matrix†, exhibiting a shared theme behind both plots. Socrates suggest that with effort, all that isRead MoreThe Allegory Of The Cave905 Words  | 4 PagesIn the allegory of the cave Plato tries to show us two scenarios where the prisoners experience emotional and intellectual revelations throughout their lives. Plato’s theory was that the ones who truly understand knowledge should guide the ignorant people out of their unenlightened states of being and into true knowledge. The cave symbolizes the people who think that knowledge come from what they see and hear in the world. It also indicates people that make assumptions about life based on the substantialRead MoreThe Allegory Of The Cave Essay2021 Words  | 9 Pagesrecognizable image of Plato’s Republic, the message of the allegory of the cave is present not only in Book VII, but throughout the entire dialogue. Plato-as-Socrates uses the allegory to express his views on philosophy’s role in his city of speech which is later shown more deeply with the five regimes in Book VIII. The cities in the five regimes underg o a degradation as philosophy moves further and further away from the ruler; which also mirrors the cave. Plato reveals his belief that the city and philosophyRead MoreThe Allegory Of The Cave Essay1660 Words  | 7 Pages 3. Explain how the Allegory of the Cave represents Plato’s views about the nature of knowledge and the nature of reality. In the Allegory of the Cave there are chained prisoners in cave who can only stare at the cave wall in front of them. At the back there is a long entrance with a staircase the width of the cave and a fire burning in the distance. They see only shadows projected in front of them from a raised platform and hear an echo that they attribute to what they observe. They talk aboutRead MoreThe Allegory Of The Cave1619 Words  | 7 PagesIn his allegory of the cave, Plato describes a scenario in which chained-up prisoners in a cave understand the reality of their world by observing the shadows on a cave wall. Unable to turn around, what seems to be reality are but cast shadows of puppets meant to deceive the prisoners. In the allegory, a prisoner is released from his chains and allowed to leave the cave. On his way out, he sees the fire, he sees the puppets, and then he sees the sun. Blinded by the sunlight, he could only stare downRead MoreThe Allegory Of The Cave Essay718 Words  | 3 PagesThesis Allegory of Cave First what is perception and ignorance? Let us define perception as one’s view of life through rationalization of the external world and ignorance as an assumption without proof and contemplation. In the â€Å"Allegory of The Cave†, Plato uses Socrates to explain different types of people, one who sees the physical realm accepting ideas as they form and one who lives in knowledge realm by questioning those ideas. People of the knowledge realm are obligated to helps those in the
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Analysis Of Meursault A Stranger To Society - 1026 Words
Meursault, a man living in Algiers, takes a bus to Marengo to attend his mother’s funeral after receiving a telegram. After the funeral, he seems unaffected by her death and he briefly describes his outing with Marie, his co-worker. Later on, he meets Raymond, an abuser of women, and agrees to go with him to his friend’s beach house. There, he gets entangled in a ruthless murder, and is ultimately sentenced to death. During his last hours, Meursault realizes how meaningless and pointless life is and accepts his fate- wishing only that the crowds would scream their hate for him on the day of his execution. Albert Camus accurately depicts Meursault as a stranger to society, to himself, and to human emotions in general, while arguing for the†¦show more content†¦After Meursault’s arrest, he is confronted by the examining magistrate. â€Å"The magistrate ran his hands across his forehead and repeated his question with a slightly different tone in his voice. â€Å"Why? You must tell me. Why? Still I didn’t say anything†(Camus 68). Meursault refuses to answer the magistrate’s pressing question. Through Meursault’s honest thoughts and responses to other people’s accusing question, Camus reinforces the theme of searching for rational order, the main idea of absurdism. Meursault has no desire to explain his reason or motivation for his actions the day he shot a man he never knew five times, except for â€Å"it was because of the sun†(Camus 103). At the end of the book, and at the start of his awakening, Meursault struggles to contain his uncharacteristic illusions of joy. â€Å"The trouble was that I somehow have to cool the hot blood that would suddenly surge through my body and sting my eyes with a delirious joy. It would take all my strength to quiet my heart, to be rational†(Camus 114). Slowly decaying is the calm, withdrawn man; he is now on the verge of breaking the wall between a sleep-like way of living and awareness of the meaninglessness of reality. He was unable to make a decision for himself without wandering wherever life takes him, but then he â€Å"snapped†and roared at the chaplain with a raging joy that can only be contributed to his realization of freedom. By the same token, Meursault is a stranger toShow MoreRelatedAlberts Aimless Absurdity898 Words  | 4 PagesIn Albert Camus’ novella, The Stranger, he exposes his beliefs on absurdism through the narration of Meursault. Camus’ definition of absurdism is a philosophy based on the belief that the universe is illogical and meaningless. Camus, founder of absurdism and French Nobel Prize winning author, sends the reader his underlying theme that life is meaningless and has no ulti-mate significance. This underlying theme of life’s absurdity is extremely personal to Camus through his own individual experiencesRead MoreEssay On The Stranger1010 Words  | 5 Pages The Stranger Essay The Stranger by Albert Camus is an analysis of the human psychosis if it was isolated and apathetic. Throughout the story, our protagonist, Meursault, tells the story of his life after his mother’s death and his experiences with everyday routines. Meursault explains to the reader only the surface of what he is feeling; despite that, as a reader, one is able to view his mind directly and closely. Meursault has all the power in this book because it is his life and mind. He is ableRead MoreLiterary Analysis: How Meursault Is Indifferent in the Stranger, by Albert Camus874 Words  | 4 PagesLiterary analysis: How Meursault is indifferent in The Stranger, by Albert Camus Although Meursault is the title character and narrator of Albert Camus’ short novel The Stranger, he is also a somewhat flat character. His apparent indifferent demeanor may be a convenience to Camus, who mainly wanted to display his ideas of absurdism. And as a flat character, Meursault is not fully delineated: he lacks deep thought and significant change. His purpose is that of a first-person narrator whose actionsRead More The Stranger Essay1301 Words  | 6 PagesWhile reading The Stranger I noticed that traits that Albert Camus character depicts in the book are closely related to the theories of Sigmund Freud on moral human behavior. Albert Camus portrays his character of Meursault as a numb, emotionless person that seems to mindlessly play out his role in society, acting in a manner that he sees as the way he’s supposed to act, always living in the moment with his instincts driving him, and if the right circumstance presents itself the primal deep seededRead M oreThe Individual Versus His Environment in The Stranger and Grendel1674 Words  | 7 Pages The Individual Versus His Environment in The Stranger and Grendel Due to the multifaceted nature of literature, analysis thereof is prone to generalization. One of the most grievous generalizations oft encountered involves failing to distinguish between a character and the novel it inhabits. Take John Gardener’s Grendel and Albert Camus’s The Stranger, for instance. It’s far too easy, when analyzing for dominant ideologies, to slap them both with the label of existentialism and be done withRead MoreCrime and Punishment vs. The Stranger1438 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout the novels Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky and The Stranger by Albert Camus, sun, heat, and light play a significant role in the development and understanding of the novel and the characters in it. Upon the initial reading of The Stranger, the reader may have a general acknowledgment of a relationship between the novel’s protagonist, Mersault, and the sun and heat, either proceeding or following one of the novels significant events. What is h arder to understand on the first readRead MoreThe Stranger By Albert Camus Essay1546 Words  | 7 Pagesraises a question, but leaves it up to the reader to determine the answer. The Stranger by Albert Camus is an excellent example of how a central question, â€Å"Is there value and meaning to human life?†is raised and left unanswered, resulting in different interpretations of the answer, depending on the viewpoint of the reader. Although the question is never explicitly answered, Camus offers perspectives on what French society regarded the answers to be, such as connections with others, elusion to freedomRead More Essay on Camus’ The Stranger (The Outsider): Reader Response Criticism2226 Words  | 9 PagesReader Response Criticism to Camus’ The Stranger (The Outsider)      In The Stranger (The Outsider), Albert Camus anticipates an active reader that will react to his text. He wants the reader to form a changing, dynamic opinion of Meursault. The reader can create a consciousness for Meursault from the facts that Meursault reports. By using vague and ambiguous language, Camus stimulates the reader to explore all possibilities of meaning. Camus also intends to shock the reader into rereadingRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of The Stranger 2900 Words  | 12 Pages Curtis Poindexter Professor Slattum English M01B 11 December 2014 Literary Analysis: The Stranger The novel The Stranger is a first-person account of the life of M. Meursault from the time of his mother s death up to a time evidently just before his execution for the murder of an Arab. It was written by Albert Camus in 1942. Meursault however, is not your typical hero of a story; rather an antihero. He is neither good nor bad, and harbors no emotion. He goes through his life with a preconceivedRead MoreThe Existential Movement Of The Stranger Essay1966 Words  | 8 Pagesvalued authenticity and created a sort of absurdity to the society they lived in. Therefore, this struggle to grasp the meaning of life can be seen through an existential light in many novels with authors such as Camus. In Camus’s novel The Stranger, Camus explores the existential ideas of absurdity and authenticity through the actions and ideas of the main character Meursault. Existentialism is the main theme of Camus’s novel The Stranger, which relies heavily on absurdist ideas to assess the meaning
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Institutional Racism American Healthcare Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
Does institutional racism exist in Health attention Fieldss of the United States of America? If so, will a National Health attention system that gives everyone equal entree to wellness attention cut down the wellness disparity between the races? Is it racially motivated or is it category motivated, or is it a combination of both? Different methods were used in finding the replies to these inquiries: Blind Diagnoses, polling of a random sample, and a overplus of research that has been done on facets of this research. The decisions were galvanizing. While there were illustrations of category favoritism that existed among hapless Whites, the overpoweringly bulk of people denied wellness attention were minorities. We will write a custom essay sample on Institutional Racism American Healthcare Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now There were instances of Doctors non handling the same unwellness adequately in inkinesss but in Whites, intervention was given earlier and more sharply. The pattern known as â€Å" patient dumping †is besides broad spread phenomenon that exists in hapless minority countries every bit good. All of these things have lead us to the decision that is possible that a national wellness attention system would assist to shut the disparity, but other factors may maintain it the same. We looked at the top two ( 2 ) causes of decease in America: Heart disease, and Cancer, and found that African Americans had the highest casualties and incidences in each class ( Randall, Racial Disparity in Health Status ) . In instances of Heart Disease, a survey entitled â€Å" Men and Heart Disease: An Atlas of Racial and Ethnic Disparities among Men with Heart Disease, †discovered that in â€Å" 1995, the bosom disease rate was 29 % higher than the rate for white work forces, 90 per centum higher than the rate for American Indian and Alaska Native menaˆÂ ¦ †. Tendencies in hear disease mortality among work forces 35 old ages of age and older, by race an ethnicity, 1991-1995 African American males are the lone group that has a higher mortality rate than the norm among that group. African American adult females did n’t fair any better, harmonizing to one survey, African American adult females were twice every bit likely to hold coronary arteria disease and twice every bit likely to hold a Heart Attack ( â€Å" Differences in medical attention and disease results among black and white adult females with bosom disease. †. 07/17/2010 hypertext transfer protocol: // dopt=Abstract ) . The American Heart Association ( AHA ) stated in, â€Å" Heart Facts 2004: African Americans Cardiovascular Diseases Still No. 1 †, that Cardiovascular disease ( CVD ) in 2001 claims 330 lives per 100,000, while among black work forces and adult females, its 511 and 377 severally. For Coronary Heart Disease ( CHD ) , which includes bosom onslaughts, the deceases were 178 per 100,000 for Americans in general, but 262 for black males and 177 for black females. In the country of Cancer ; the American Cancer Society ( ACS ) , the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) , the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ) and others found in a long term tendency ( 1975-2006 ) and short term intervals 1997-2006 ) , Blacks had the highest rate of Cancer than any other racial group. Out of the 17 sites where malignant neoplastic disease originated, inkinesss had a higher rate in 11 of them than their counter parts ( Edwards, Brenda, Elizabeth Ward, and Betsy Kohler..American Cancer Society.Volume 116, Issue 3, pages 544-573 ) . In the 3 most common malignant neoplastic diseases that plague American work forces ; prostate, lung, and colorectal ( colon ) , black males have the highest rate in each Cancer Sites All RacesA WhiteA BlackA Asian/Pacific IslanderA A § American Indian/Alaska NativeA A § HispanicA A §|| All Cancer Sites Combined A Data By Age 556.3 548.9 621.8 332.6 313.3 429.9 All Cancer Sites Combined ( comparable to ICD-O-2 ) A ¶ 548.2 540.7 616.2 327.6 309.0 423.6 Male Genital System 161.4 152.4 231.8 84.0 85.4 135.7 Prostate A Data By Age 155.1 145.3 229.3 81.7 81.3 130.4 Cancer Sites All RacesA WhiteA BlackA Asian/Pacific IslanderA A § American Indian/Alaska NativeA A § HispanicA A §|| All Cancer Sites Combined A Data By Age 556.3 548.9 621.8 332.6 313.3 429.9 All Cancer Sites Combined ( comparable to ICD-O-2 ) A ¶ 548.2 540.7 616.2 327.6 309.0 423.6 Respiratory System 95.2 94.3 117.0 53.7 62.2 56.4 Lung and Bronchus A Data By Age 86.8 86.2 104.8 50.2 57.1 49.3 Cancer Sites All RacesA WhiteA BlackA Asian/Pacific IslanderA A § American Indian/Alaska NativeA A § HispanicA A §|| All Cancer Sites Combined A Data By Age 556.3 548.9 621.8 332.6 313.3 429.9 All Cancer Sites Combined ( comparable to ICD-O-2 ) A ¶ 548.2 540.7 616.2 327.6 309.0 423.6 Digestive System 107.1 103.8 132.0 102.0 72.6 104.6 Colon and Rectum A Data By Age 59.1 58.2 67.9 43.8 37.4 50.0 Colon excepting Rectum 41.7 40.8 51.4 28.4 26.0 34.0 Rectum and Rectosigmoid Junction 17.5 17.4 16.6 15.4 11.3 16.0 ( Table ) Age-Adjusted Invasive Cancer Incidence Rates and 95 % Assurance Time intervals by Primary Site and Race and Ethnicity, United States *aˆaˆ? Footnotes * Ratess are per 100,000 individuals and are age-adjusted to the 2000 U.S. standard population ( 19 age groups – Census P25-1130 ) . aˆDatas are from selected statewide and metropolitan country malignant neoplastic disease registries that run into the informations quality standards for all invasive malignant neoplastic disease sites combined. See registry-specific informations quality information. Rates cover about 90 % of the U.S. population. aˆ? Excludes basal and squamous cell carcinomas of the tegument except when these occur on the tegument of the venereal variety meats, and in situ malignant neoplastic diseases except urinary vesica. The mortality rates for Blacks versus Whites and other minorities are higher every bit good. These are the unwellnesss that affect minorities, specifically African Americans, more than their opposite numbers. The inquiry now is, will a Universal Health Care system work out these jobs? H. Jack Geiger, M.D. of the City University of New York Medical School stated the followers: In 1990, the American Medical Association ( AMA ) took formal note of black-white disparities in wellness attention. While stressing the likely functions of socioeconomic position and sociocultural factors and nil the restrictions of many surveies, the AMA besides acknowledged that â€Å" Disparities in intervention determinations may reflect the being of subconscious biasaˆÂ ¦The wellness attention system like all other elements of society, has non to the full eliminate this [ racial ] bias †( Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, 1990 ) In this same article, Dr. Jack Geiger points out that in one instance survey where the participants were Medicare-insured donees, the white or flush patients received significantly better attention. Another survey that took into history 10 Medicare donees in 10 provinces and the District of Columbia, found that irrespective to medical coverage, black patients were steered toward lower cost processs and less intensive attention ( downwind et al. , 1997 ) Another survey found that in 17 major diagnostic and curative processs Whites were much more likely to have â€Å" referral-sensitive surgeries †( Mcbean and Gornick, 1994 ) . In a survey of over 500 acute attention infirmaries, inkinesss were significantly less likely to have a major curative process in over half of the 77 disease classs that they tracked ( Harris, Andrews, and Elixhauser, 1997 ) There are a legion sums of instance surveies that are available that suggest that when controlled for age, badness of unwellness, wellness insurance and infirmary type, inkinesss suffer Institutional favoritism in wellness care.there How to cite Institutional Racism American Healthcare Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Human Resource Planning and Staffing Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Planning and Staffing. Answer: Background Information The process of determining the future employment requirements and the availability of the working employees and others externally hired to meet the requirements and executing the businesses strategies in an organization is called workforce planning (Chiba, 2017). This is the basis of staffing in many organizations, even in Cherns, since it aids in identifying and addressing the unforeseen challenges in the company when executing business strategies. The five steps in the process of workforce planning include the following: Identification of the strategies Explaining firms philosophies and decisions on staffing. Analyzing of the workforce. Developing and implementing action plans. These help address any gaps between labor supply and demand forecasts. The strategies should go hand in hand with the philosophies of the firms talents. They will include recruiting, compensation, retention, management of succession, training as well as development Monitoring, evaluating and revising of the action plans. The first three steps have been extensively discussed and we will only discuss the last two steps. Overview of Forecasting The ideal business forecasting demands that an organization should identify its key operational factors (Teigen, 2015). This operational factors includes the forecasting of information to compile complete and accurate data in real time. The above steps will improve Cherns ability to make forecast that are accurate about the needs of the staff. According to (Ravazzolo, 2015), the time line for forecasting any business activity will be most essential in the organization and will depend on whether the industry that organization operates is either predictable having a relatively stable environment of between five to ten years forecasting period or has an unstable, dynamic environment of 6 to 12 months period of forecasting. For Cherns its period of forecasting lies within a range of 3 years. These forecast are just dynamic estimates hence should always be revisited and an update done regularly (Chiba, 2017). Since these forecasts are sometimes uncertain, Cherns should develop estimates as ranges that will provide low, probable and high estimates as well as recalculating the estimates as adjustments can happen anytime within the business environment as well as the expectation or the assumption of the firm can change. The specifics of forecasting A firm should be able to predict its labor supply and demand and also locate any reliable, standard sources of information both inside and outside the firm to predict the business operations. Some of the business operation forecasts will include rates of interest, currency exchange rates, competitors, seasonal operations and many others. Forecasting Labor Demand When doing this forecast it is essential to look at the minimal and the optimal levels of staffing to analyze the demand for labor. The demand for labor at Cherns will depend on the forecasted business activity and the needs of the business, that depend on the strategies of the business (Belhaj, 2013). The needs of any business will include the following: achieving the levels of staffing that will help generate a certain amount of revenue at a certain time interval, increasing this levels of staffing to enhance a growth strategy, decreasing this levels of staffing when restructuring the firm or obtaining new skilled talents essential in the creation of new products or services (Ferreira, 2016). Some of the ways that help forecast demand for labor include scatter plots, ratio analysis, trend analysis, and ROI analysis. Forecasting Labor Supply To ensure strategic and good staffing then a firm will have to be keen on their markets for labor. This is crucial for Cherns so as to maintain its competitiveness in the market. During formulation of business strategies then a firm will have to acquire adequate information on the quality and number of employees required in that organization (Apichatibutarapong, 2015). So it will be vital for any company even Cherns to have an appropriate estimate of the available talents for its topmost positions before even coming up with strategies that depend on its talents. In order to forecast the accurate labor supply, Cherns should be able to combine its current levels of staffing and the anticipated gains or losses. This will help give an estimate of the target position for a given time point (Apichatibutarapong, 2015). The losses or gains anticipated in the firm will be looked upon by identifying the data on previous operations, and estimations of future adjustments. All these estimates are affected by the firms internal and external labor market which includes people not working for the firm. To forecast the firms internal labor market, the organization will need to estimate the levels of competency and the employees number at the end of the period of forecasting (Ahokas, 2016). Additionally, it will need to forecast the talent resources, minus the anticipated losses from the employees at the start of the period of forecasting. These losses are as a result of factors such as demotions, promotions, retirements, transfers, and resignations. Any gains that are anticipated will be added. The gains may be from the promotions, transfers among others (Rachid Belhaj, 2013). Various methods are available to help forecast the internal labor market and this include employee surveys, talent inventories, replacement charts as well as the judgments from management. I have made a well description of one very vital method called the transition analysis in this paper. Transitional Analysis Transition analysis refers to a method that is applied to scrutinize the labor markets and predict the internal supply of labor. This technique is quite simple and also very effective in making analysis of the internal markets of labor in an organization. This is very essential, not only in planning of the workforce but also in answering of the questions posed by recruits about the paths of promotions and the promotion likelihood (Chiba, 2017). It also helps predict the employees currently working and are likely to be employed at some point in different positions. Nevertheless, this analysis is best for a limited number of jobs for easy interpretation. The below matrix I have developed will help Cherns to see its predicted employees for the next year. Resolving of the gaps in the labor supply To address efficiently the existing gap between the required number of employees and the current number of employees, the company will be required to design an action plan. This action plan will address efficiently the forecasted surplus or shortage of employees (Ahokas, 2016). In addition, understanding whether a surplus or shortage of applicants is as a result of temporary factors or just a reflected trend likely to go on is also vital since different strategies in staffing are essential. As clearly shown in the transition matrix, Cherns have excess employees. One essential solution to this will be transferring employees to new locations that the company has planned within its five years (Belhaj, 2013). Most of those employees should be transferred to the fifteen stores that this firm plans to open every year. This transfer will enhance increased revenues. These will lower the costs of staffing since new few employees will be required to fill these stores. Additionally, Cherns will also be able to retain its skilled talents contributing to the companys growth. Nonetheless, if this does not happen then Cherns does not have other solutions at its hands whether these surpluses are permanent or temporary. Temporary Surpluses of Employees This happens when a company faces a temporary slowdown. If this occurs each and every time, then the company will need to employ some temporary workers that it can easily retrench when the business operations are slow (Ahokas, 2016). This will help the permanent employees and provide them with job security. Another options are doing layoffs but this should be temporary and need to last for periods more than 6 months to be economical since there will be additional costs of rehiring and retraining. Permanent Surpluses of Employees In this case Cherns should consider implementing permanent laying off of employees, no employing of employees to feel the vacated positions, implement early incentives on retirement, and other methods. These methods could cost the firm. Early retirement of some employees will cause the firm to lose the skilled employees. Layoffs will hurt the workforce as well as damage the firms reputation (Chiba, 2017). Some of the unfilled positions will make the organization departments understaffed. Action plans will be essential to address this surplus and should involve reassigning of employees, steering employees away from the jobs in that position. However, Cherns is also facing high deficit in the full-time sales associate positions, that should be well assessed to maintain the firms competiveness. On the matrix above, Cherns will need to employ at least sixty employees to reach its goal of employing a hundred and forty full-time employees. Also, it needs to have at least 1778 applicants in order to recruit employees to overcome the deficit (Belhaj, 2013). The calculation was based on the previous recruiting data. To determine this number then it is essential to look at the previous yields in staffing as well as the yields in hiring. Based on the above the following chart was developed: Based on the attached documents it can be clearly shown that this shortage is likely to be temporary (Belhaj, 2013). This is because the employment changes anticipated to occur between now and ten years at the current state which this principal store is located almost corresponds the employment changes of the entire nation. When assessing this shortage. It is vital that hiring in this case is reduced since it costs the organization more money. Furthermore, expensive recruiting methods like using of search firms or lowering the standards will not always work in this method. The expensive methods of recruiting employees will always drain the budget of recruiting and not even realize the goal in recruiting (Statistics Norway, 2016). Nonetheless, other methods can still be used to realize the 140 target number of employees. This will include offering of new incentives on hiring such as bonuses on the sign-on as well as bonuses on retention. Persistent Talent Shortage Based on the findings and the conditions above, a shortage of employees may occur and even last for a longer period as per the preferences of consumers (Ahokas, 2016). For Cherns to maintain its competiveness capability in the market then it needs to decrease its demand for the talents and increase its technology innovation and also redesign jobs so that different people with the required talents are only required (Bjrnstad, 2010). Cherns may also increase its supply of the required qualifications since this is more practical and faster. Conclusion I hope that this paper has the required information as per the Cherns staffing needs and its planning in the work force. I am optimistic that this information will be essential in forecasting your business activities. Similarly, it will inform you on the demand and supply for the employees inside and outside the environment of your business. I also hope that all the assessments of any gaps are also efficient in the assessment of your businesses. Recommendations Cherns should continuously and systematically identify the talents of each candidate. Secondly, the company should also build the capacity of its current program. Also it is of utmost significance for the organization to put into consideration succession management, and to treat it as a progressive process. Finally, there is need for the company to ensure that it assesses the competencies of each applicant so as to come up with suiting training programs. References Apichatibutarapong, S. (2015). Business Forecasting Technique on Mobile Devices by Using R - Programming. Suan Sunandha: Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, . Francesco Ravazzolo, a. L. (2015). Forecasting GDP with global components. This time is different. Norway: Norwegian Business School. Karl Halvor Teigen, a. S. (2015). Forecasting forecasts: The trend effect. Judgment and Decision Making, 416428. Jussi Ahokas, J. H. (2016). Forecasting Demand for Labour and Skills with an AGE-model in Finland. Finland: Government Institute for Economic Research. Rachid Belhaj, a. M. (2013). A Markov Model for Human Resources Supply Forecast Dividing the HR System into Subgroups. Journal of Service Science and Management, 211-217 . Kris Johnson Ferreira, B. H.-L. (2016). Analytics for an Online Retailer: Demand Forecasting and Price Optimization. Harvard: Harvard Business Schoo. Roger Bjrnstad, M. L. (2010). Demand and supply of labor by education towards 2030 . OsloKongsvinger. Statistics Norway. (2016). Education-specific labour force and demand in Norway in times of transition. Oslo - Kongsvinger: Statistics Norway. Tomoaki Chiba, H. H. (2017). Time-Varying Transition Probability Matrix Estimation and Its Application to Brand Share Analysis. Plos One.
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