Friday, November 29, 2019
Objectives of Comesa free essay sample
Objectives of COMESA COMESA was established in 1994 to replace the Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa (PTA), which had been in existence since 1981. The PTA was established within the framework of the OAUs Lagos Plan of Action (LPA) and the Final Act of Lagos (FAL). Both the LPA and the FAL envisaged an evolutionary process in the economic integration of the continent in which regional economic communities would constitute building blocks upon which the creation of an African Economy Community (AEC) would ultimately be erected. The PTA, and hence COMESA, was established to take advantage of a larger market size, to share the regions common heritage and destiny to allow greater social and economic co-operation, with the ultimate objective of creating an economic community. The current members of COMESA are: Angola, Burundi, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Rwanda, Seychelles, Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. We will write a custom essay sample on Objectives of Comesa or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The aims and objectives of COMESA are defined in the Treaty and its Protocols. In summary, the main objective is to facilitate the removal of all structural and institutional weaknesses of member States, and the promotion of peace; security and stability so as to enable them attain sustained development individually and collectively as a regional bloc.
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Write Philosophy Research Paper with Ease
How to Write Philosophy Research Paper with Ease Writing plays a critical role in philosophy where thinking is often very complicated and abstract. Writing actually makes thinking easier, helps clarify the ideas and is the principal way of communication between philosophers. In fact, doing philosophy means writing philosophical prose. That’s why writing philosophy papers is a key part of studying philosophy. A philosophy research paper is probably the most extensive and important project in a philosophy class that often involves the use and effective synthesis of many of the advanced writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills because students need to examine and analyze information from a large variety of sources, including library research, using the internet scholarly sources, and often conversations with reliable authorities. Most students find writing philosophy research papers difficult. If you are one of them, keep reading. In this short philosophy research paper writing guide, you will find all you need to know in order to write an impressive philosophy research paper that will look like the sophisticated philosophical prose. What Is a Philosophy Research Paper? It’s a tricky question because philosophical writing differs from other writing. Your research paper is supposed to be a clear and concise piece of writing that explains a certain idea and defends an argument in an easy-to-understand way. You need to make a reasoned defense of some claim with evidence and persuade your audience to believe it. This evidence can’t be just someone’s opinions or other types of unsupported claims. Philosophers always look for reasons to believe something and the stronger the reasons are, the more likely they are to change their opinions or beliefs. Typically, a philosophy research paper has to do at least one of the following things: Defend a thesis statement by providing convincing reasons to support it Criticize a thesis statement by demonstrating that arguments for it are not plausible Defend a thesis statement by demonstrating that arguments against it are not convincing Contrast several views on a certain issue and argue for one view over the other A philosophy research paper should be based on a thorough examination of at least 7-8 secondary sources that present comments of what other philosophers think about a particular issue. Only after an extensive research of the literature, will you be able to determine how philosophers differ in their views and how appropriate their interpretations are for your research paper. Why Is It Vital to Start Early? Philosophy is a complicated subject and writing assignment can’t be completed in one night before your paper is due. Philosophical issues and problems demand careful and determined attention so you will need a lot of time to successfully cope with this task. You will need to do an extensive research, to digest the ideas you have read, to define your thesis, give an exposition of materials relevant to your topic, and come to the conclusion how a certain problem is resolved in the existing literature. You will need to give and analyze arguments and explanations, provide criteria for assessing how adequate competing positions are and document your research in an appropriate way. Choosing a Topic If your professor has not given you a list of possible philosophy research paper topics to choose from, you should select a topic that you are passionate about. Your topics should not be too broad so that you could examine them thoroughly and they should not be too narrow so that it would be worth writing about them. There are different strategies you can employ to devise your own topic when reading over the text. For example, you can examine the plausibility of a standard interpretation of a certain text, pick a side and argue for it. You can also examine some passages that seem inconsistent and identify the points of confusion. One more approach is to find some difficult or particularly important passage and analyze it. If you lack experience in writing philosophy papers, it may be challenging to find a good topic that is worth your attention. Here are some examples of philosophy research paper topics you can use to get started. Kant On Things-in-themselves Was Berkeley Idealist Or Realist? Hume on Religious Belief Plato on Death And Dying Marx on Human Nature Socrates’ Philosophy of Education Descartes’ Theory of Knowledge Aristotles Theory of Justice as a Virtue Heidegger and Nietzsche on Justice Schopenhauer on Suffering Pre-writing Stage: Steps Our Writers Make After you have chosen your topic, you should start reading as much background material as you can. You can start looking for the resources for your paper at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Phil Papers, and the Philosopher’s Index. When reading secondary literature on your topic, you will be able to determine where to find the primary sources that you can quote in your research paper and provide your comments on them. Even if you don’t use those ideas in your paper directly, you will get a better understanding of the problem and will be able to narrow your topic as much as possible. As you read, you should sort through your sources to discover which of them are the most relevant. First, you should skim through the articles to get the general sense of the argument and find the keywords. Then you should read these articles carefully and make notes of the most important points in the authors’ arguments and some definitions that you may want to use in your paper. You should start formulating questions, analyze and evaluate the argument. You will need to decide whether you agree or disagree with the argument. Make an Outline An outline is important to any type of research paper because it will guide your writing. First, you should clearly define your thesis statement and determine what evidence you will use to support your thesis. When making an outline, you should also determine the logical progression of your philosophy research paper and ensure that the order in which you present your argument makes sense. Think about the structure of your paper. It will mainly depend on the assignment that may ask you to focus on a particular aspect but typically, you should subdivide your research paper into 3 equal parts and devote them to the following aspects: Identifying the major questions Analysis and critique of the arguments of other philosophers on these issues Presentation of your perspectives and defending your thesis Write a Draft After you have planned your philosophy research paper and organized your ideas, you should write the first draft. Introduction When writing an introduction, you should be specific. Don’t start your paper with such empty generalities like: â€Å"Socrates was the greatest philosopher of ancient Greece and is considered the father of western philosophy.†Such sentences are irrelevant to a certain specific topic you are writing about. You should start with something like: â€Å"Socrates says that P. I find this claim convincing for the following reasons†¦Ã¢â‚¬ All philosophy research papers must have clear introductions with a narrow scope. You should avoid dictionary definitions as well. It would be better just to tell your reader what your paper is about and why it is important. When you write on text-focused research paper topics, you should introduce issues your research paper is concerned with. Next, you should inform your readers what you are going to do with these problems so you should provide a brief overview of the main points you will present in the main body, actually, you have to inform your audience about your research paper structure. Make sure that the structure of your research paper is obvious to your readers from the first paragraph. You may express it like this: â€Å"In this paper, I will analyze Plato’s theory of beauty. I will offer 3 arguments to support my thesis. They are†¦Ã¢â‚¬ In this way, you show your readers your research paper as an integrated whole and help them follow your argument because they will know what to expect. That’s why you should give them an idea of how you are going to answer the question. Main Body The body of your research paper has to include all the information that is necessary to support your argument. In the body paragraphs, you should focus on exposition and evaluation. Make sure each paragraph is self-contained. Anyone should be able to choose a random paragraph and understand everything in it as a complete idea. You should explain in detail all the evidence that you used to support your thesis. You need to explain why this evidence is relevant to you. When you summarize your argument, you should do your best to present a philosopher’s position using a simple language. In an exposition part of your research paper, you should also focus on defining the key terms and explaining how they relate to each other. It’s important that you should have a good understanding of all the philosophic ideas you are discussing. You can’t criticize someone’s ideas if you don’t know them or don’t understand them. But don’t think that you need to provide explanations to everything that is known about this particular philosopher. Your assignment is to explain some points that are relevant to the topic of your research paper. If you provide too many details, your readers might get confused and may lose the point of your discussion somewhere in the process. As you develop your argument, you should anticipate possible objections to your point of view and deal with each objection in at least a few lines. You should demonstrate that these objections are not fatal to your own argument. When you explain the points of your argument, you should make sure that your readers are aware as you move from one point to another. To do that, you should use transition words, terms, and phrases that make the structure of your philosophy research paper obvious, for example, thus, because, consequently, since, however, on the other hand, nevertheless, it follows that, I will begin by, firstly, secondly etc. Conclusion The conclusion should be also brief and straightforward. You can just remind your readers what points you have covered in your research paper and restate your thesis. Besides, you can show some implications of your idea. If you have developed a strong argument in your body paragraphs, you don’t always have to write a distinct conclusion, you can only state what your research paper has achieved. Besides, your research paper doesn’t necessarily have to conclude with a â€Å"solution†to an issue. You can just clarify a problem or an issue. Edit Your Research Paper Boldly When your first draft is completed, put it aside for a couple of days and then revise its contents to fix weaknesses in the flow and the logic. Revision typically involves big changes. You may need to rewrite certain passages, sentences or find more precise words to express your ideas clearly and avoid ambiguity. Be ready that you may need to rewrite your draft more than once and make it shorter. If you do that, your paper is sure to improve significantly. Remember that the secret to good writing is in rewriting many times. Even a good paper can be improved greatly by rewriting it. When you eliminate unnecessary words, you clarify your ideas and make them sound more convincing. You should do your best to make your paper readable and precise. When you feel you are satisfied with the contents, you need to proofread your philosophy research paper and correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes, if there are any. When you have finished proofreading, ask someone to read your paper to ensure that your errors or typos are left in it. You may also read your paper aloud or check your sentences when you read backward. They say you will easier notice some mistakes. Make sure there is no plagiarism in your research paper. Give credit to all your sources and make sure all quotes are properly referenced according to a specific citation style required by your instructor. That’s it the tough job is done!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Fatherland, by Frederick Kempe Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Fatherland, by Frederick Kempe - Term Paper Example Remember that Germany has been declared guilty for the two wars of the 20th century. In addition, 11 million victims were persecuted and murdered during the holocaust including 6 million Jews, many children and women, gays, lesbians, gypsies and others who were labeled as outcasts by Nazis. During the start of the Nazi movement, most Jewish groups and establishments were boycotted and laws were implemented to discriminate against the Jews. Such laws included a prohibition against mixed marriages, a prohibition against Jews holding government positions, and a prohibition against their appearance in public places. Jews were also required to wear yellow stars to identify them in public areas. They were soon moved to ghetto or confided spaces. Now that they are building a new German generation, what would be the effect on this to the Jews? How would a new German generation run the world if given the chance? East Germany is testing the country’s ability to integrate itself before it integrates the rest of Eastern Europe into the European Union. And Germany’s military is dispatching its troops abroad on a combat mission for the first time since World War II – to former Yugoslavia, a place of heart-stopping German atrocities. It was a mission whose symbolism spoke both of the country’s growing influence and of its shrinking self-constraints. Demographic change had brought the country its largest ethnic minority ever, the Turks. But whether they would happily co-exist or would suffer the same fate with the Jews, that remains to be seen. One long-term side effect of the Third Reich is the breaking of natural relationship between a German and a Jew. The link between victim and perpetrator is unnatural. The ghosts of the past keep them at odds. But there are those who are not affected by the past. The author recounts
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Change management of large scale enterprise Essay
Change management of large scale enterprise - Essay Example From the onset, it is important to note that enterprises exist to give value to their stakeholders through the operation in an atmosphere that gives value, while at the same time minimizing risks and the responsible utilization of the resources available. In an environment that is rapidly changing, the faster setting of directions and faster reaction to the change is essential as well as the sharing of the decision-making among stakeholders. Business enterprises that want to ensure that are successful implement overarching systems of governance in order to achieve business aims at all levels of operation and that IT governance practices and IT outcome are correlated in the sense that stronger IT governance practices give better IT governance outcomes. Business enterprises in general are complicated entities that must incorporate technological and financial systems operating in a dynamic market and business circumstances that are not certain requiring change management from time to ti me. Most of these businesses are large-scale with a distributed system characterized by highly complex that involves the interaction of many aspects including humans, services, applications and devices. Due to this complexity, enterprises may have inefficiencies such as unnecessary human labour and under-utilized information technology devices and the lack of modelling or optimization of the operations of the business. This leads to delays and latencies that may be caused by traffic bottlenecks and engineering or design that is imperfect that therefore requires the businesses to change or evolve into better forms that exhibits improved performance. In our research paper, we review the business enterprises as large-scale and distributed system with specific dynamics exhibiting a typical behaviour of which adaptability or system change is the key to the viability of the business. To pursue this, we postulate that the longevity of a business enterprise is determined by its ability to a dapt to changes over a long duration of time, depending on either the natural systems or the artificial systems that are dictated by intelligent but conscious decisions in line with the market conditions. Whereas previous work have focused on the structural features of information technology governance, there are concepts of IT governance that must be endeavoured in order to appreciate IT governance process and enterprise change. It is notable that regardless of the market dynamism, effective IT governance can only be achieved through the strategic integration of both IT and business decisions and the establishment of collaborative relationships amongst the stakeholders concerned. Therefore, the question that begs to be answered is what procedure or mechanism is necessary in the IT governance in the current business environment. Past studies have only focused on the structural mechanisms and ignoring process mechanisms that have resulted in partial leading to limited understanding o f IT governance. However, present studies address the social and procedural mechanisms for the governance of IT that makes it easier for any person attempting to manage large-scale enterprise change.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Business case for an IT Solution for solution to a real healthcare Research Paper
Business case for an IT Solution for solution to a real healthcare issue in Population Healt Management - Research Paper Example This has made it hard for the organizations to meet their set goals or targets. Even though the EHR (Electronic Health Records) provides many of the health facilities with clinical data in raw form, there have still been some challenges. The challenges include ensuring that the data is accessible and the same time usable. An additional challenge has been reporting the outcomes of the data that has been accessed and used (Health Catalysts, 2015). According to WPRO, the integration of information systems in the health sector can be defined as, â€Å"the process of combining different components of health information systems so that they function in a more coordinated and unified manner†(Lum, Bennet & Whittaker, 2009). Information technology can be used to integrate and share the data in the health sector. The data integration can occur in different number of levels in the system of health information. These levels include: contents, data management, data quality assurance and analysis, organization support, data dissemination and sharing and donor inputs. The contents include the information or indicators while the data management involves the information technology use with a central repository. Quality of data assurance and analysis include the use of statistical and analytical techniques that are standardized. The organization support entails capacity building and training of the human resource. The sharing and dis semination of data is where there is the use of visual analytics. The donor inputs entail and not limited to, resource sharing. The art of integration of data entails effort being put in place to link data elements that are independent. The different sources of data that have different types of data or media of storage are integrated to develop new information. This is made possible through the use of information technology in the health facilities. Data integration covers all data handling
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The culture in Barcelona
The culture in Barcelona The culture of Spain today is highly linked to the modern bullfight since it has been influenced by those who conquered and fought for control of Liberian pensile, also those artists who flourished during the golden age greatly, contributed to the development of the Spanish culture. The culture of Spain depends much on its historical past. In these modern days, Spanish culture portrays a picture of frames and hierarchies. In Spain, culture and education are mainly viewed as the main weapons which helps in fighting against fascism and also culture gives room for republican government and revolutionary parties where they can add both elites and unknown whites into their enterprise (Thatcher, 1999, Pg 16). Due to its advanced cultural statures Barcelona attracted so many people into the city which mainly contributed to good economic growth within the city. Some of their cultural practices such as games, sports and other sought of entertainments within the city made it to appear unique f rom the rest of the cities in Spain and thus why it was ranked the second city in Spain. Since time in memorial till to date, Barcelona has been ranked as one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Due to its overwhelming beauty, Barcelona has attracted so many tourists in the city which has consequently raised the standards of the city and has improved it marketability through out the world. Its basic over view has various attractive things which includes even its city centre since it has maintained its medieval street plan and other stunning modernist architectures and various beautiful building the city and has also many museums such as those which were dedicated to various important persons like Picasso, Miro and Barca. It’s also known of its famous Barcelona Olympics game. This enabled the Barcelona Olympics to be held in the city of Barcelona which made so many people to come to the city and appreciate its potentiality and other good aspects that the city processed. The cultural aspects of Barcelona city were appreciated by many during that time which pr omoted their culture a great deal. Barcelona city is one of the cities which attracts tourists and leave them with unforgettable experiences since it’s so lively. Its rights are equally active as days which enable citizens and visitors to have a 24 hours operating time. The tourists were mainly attracted due to the physical features within the city such as sand beach which the tourists could go and relax. The city also and many industries and carvings which made them to appreciate the city since they could purchase many valuables within the city and those carvings which portrayed the culture of the city and its people (Wright pg 20). The climatic condition of Barcelona is quite good all the year round which make people to enjoy visiting the city at any time of the year. The city has also sandy beach which enable visitors and citizens to have good places for relaxing while on holidays or over the weekends. Its geographically situated in a good geographical background which enables good accessibility of the Spanish city from the rest of the cities in the Europe. Barcelona is the capital and most popular city of Catalonia and it’s the second largest city in Spain. Barcelona city is the one that houses the seat of Catalonia government and various leaders dwell within this city. Since it’s the capital of Catalonia many activities take place within the city which keeps it lively through out the day and night. Business within the city are carried out thru out since its experienced good security because most of the administrative bodies were housed within the city. The city of Barcelona as a capital of Catalonia had a great role, to play and they needed agreement between the government and the council in order to maintain these roles. Barcelona with the help of Catalonia government established infrastructures in the city which enables good social cohesion of the capital city of Catalonia. There good and improved infrastructure facilitated good social interaction and attracted many tourists which consequently lead to a rapid growth of the Catalonia. The city council of Barcelona worked hand in hand with Catalonia government to improve social services and education. as retrieved on 1 Mar 2008 08:29:16 GMT Barcelona had a good industrial elite and therefore they wanted Catalonia to stay as part of Spain since its industrial market basically relied very much on consumption from the other Spanish regions. Therefore due to its good industrial market it has enabled it to serve as national market Catalonia was established by the state of autonomy in 1979. It’s an autonomous community which mainly covers most of the North eastern Spanish provinces such as Barcelona, Lenda Gerona and Tarragona. Barcelona being the capital city of Catalonia was formerly the principality of the crown of Aragon which played a very important role in the history of Iberian Peninsula. It was also a centre of Separatist Movement which many of he times dominated Spanish affairs. The city of Barcelona boosted Catalonia economy since most of the industries are situated within the city such as metal working, textile industry, food processing industries, chemical industries. Some of the main industries which were concentrated in Barcelona were textile, paper making and graphics, chemicals and metal working. Due to the growing demand of petroleum in Catalonia they expanded one of the oil refineries in Barcelona. Therefore, the city of Barcelona enabled the economy of Catalonia to grow which consequently enabled it to strengthen its political status. The court Ramon Bevenguer IV of Barcelona was betrothed by the queen of Aragon Petronila, Catalonia and Aragon became united under the same rulers. After their union, Catalonia dominated trade in all the aspects and their interest dominated the union of Aragon this was achieved when the male line of court of Barcelona became extinct. Catalonia gained autonomy and enjoyed its autonomy and cultural freedom. This was backed by the losing cause, Barcelona by that time was a republican which held strongly the antifascist sentiments and Catalan nationalism the time of Spanish civil war. During this time the Catalan lost their language and identity. Catalonia war autonomy which was granted to it by the Spanish Cortes. Its efforts to revolutionize complete independence jailed but the restoration of autonomy was enabled in 1936. Catalonia’s loyalist supported the republic but unfortunately he suffered a lot of opposition from Franco. Barcelona by then was the loyalist capital and by 1939, Catalonia fell in the lands of Franco dictatorship, they were banned from using Catalans in public life. By 1980 Catalonia had elected the first parliament as an autonomous region. Increased autonomy for Catalonia was approved in the year 2006 together with its recognition as a nation within Spain (Snyder pg 51). Barcelona being the capital city of Catalonia had contributed a lot to the growth of Catalonia as an autonomous independent country of Spain. It made various contributions in political, economic, social, and cultural aspects towards the build up of Catalonia. Barcelona was the central post for most of the activities taking place in Barcelona since it was the capital city and the centre of all the operations. Economically Barcelona uplifted the standards of living within Catalonia since most of the businesses were carried out in this big city. The city operated for 24 hours daily which enabled many activities to proceed on well. Many businesses were set up within the city which facilitated trade. The population of people living in these areas had grown adversely which also boosted trade within the city. The city had unique and admirable scenes such as the carvings, sand beach and many other interesting places which attracted so many tourists in the region and this in return boosted the economy of Catalonia. There tourist could trade within the city which due to its diverse goods and other cultural aspects which attracted them such as carvings. The city also hosted major industries which had great contribution to the economic status of Catalonia since it had good economic status which was mainly contributed by Barcelona city as a result of its good economic growth. Therefore, due to their good economic growth they enabled the Catalonia to grain its independence and to support itself fully. Barcelona also hosted various cultural practices and ceremonies since it was the capital city of Catalonia. This attracted so many people to the region and consequently boosted its good relationship with other regions and this enabled them to come together and fight for their independence. Culturally they also intermarried with other regions which brought the different regions together and enabled them to fight for the independence of their region which made them to be declared a state within the Spanish government ( as retrieved on 1 Mar 2008 15:21:38 GMT). Barcelona basically acted like beehive of activities where most of the activities are organized. These activities brought various people together including leaders to discuss various issues which regards to fighting for Barcelona’s independence so that it can stand on its own. Many activities such as veteran meetings, demonstrations to fight for their independence, social gatherings were carried out in this capital city of Barcelona. These activities made people from different tribes who made up the Catalan government to come together so that they could organize themselves to fight for their autonomous independence. Barcelona city acted as seat of Catalan government and this enabled most of the governmental activities to be carried out within the Barcelona city since it was situated in a good geographical region. Many government leaders could come to the city to attend meetings and conferences which enabled good ruling of the government. Catalonia fights very hard to attain their independence from the federal government of Madrid. The hosting of Olympic Games in Barcelona paved way for many Catalans to fight for their independence. Few of the Barcelonans working class were able to attend the Olympics since a non working class could not have access to Olympic due to the high prices for buying tickets and other seats were reserved for multinational sponsors (Simonis, pg 29). In this Catalans viewed the Olympic Games as a perfect opportunity that they could use to plead for their independence from the federal government of Madrid. Many Catalans but not all had gathered where Olympic Games were carried out at Badalona some few meters from Barcelona town so that they could argue and protest for their independence from Spain during the meeting of multinational corporate Olympics. Catalan language was also used in Olympic due to strong political presence of Catalonian independence movement. Therefore, the city of Barcelona contributed greatly to the independence of Catalan since it hosted the Olympic Games which facilitated the struggle and fight for independence by the Catalans. Barcelona had various places where Catalans can gather so that they can discuss their political strength. For example, coffee shops acted as stopover places where by local residents can gather to talk about the politics of Catalan and to socialize with each other. These gatherings sphere headed the struggle for independence for the Catalonia independence. These coffee shops also acted as prime sites for working class political discourse and serves as an awareness area for the local residents. In the city of Barcelona, there was a school which was located near the sand beach politically students from these schools were used to transport the production staff around the city. Some of the opposition of the Catalonia were in the boxing screw by the time the venue was assigned to three students to transport the staffs around the city. Some of these opposes were sympathetic to Catalonia independence movement and had their relatives who fought against the Franco force. Therefore location of this school within the city of Barcelona enabled them to sue students in their fighting for their noble independence rights. The economic status of Barcelona also enabled the Catalonia to fight for their independence since the money that they gained could be used to fund the veterans who were used to fight for the independence of the Catalonia government. Due to the good economy of Barcelona they could fund and strengthen their own government either than relying on the federal government of the Spain. Olympic Games can stimulate symbols of national unity and ceremonials like the ones which applied to Barcelonan Olympics since they were facilitate by the language and symbolism of Catalonian nationalism (Hargreaves, 2000, Pg 17) Catalonia basically is not a sovereign body because its only a constitute of the Spanish nation since the Spanish state was created taking into consideration the national sovereignty of Spanish people to start with. Catalonian have developed quite a strong tool which helps them to defend their national character language and culture and at the same time it aims at improving the living standards of its citizens. Its aim is to establish good relationship with the national sphere which would encourage corporation within the Catalonia so that they can be able to come together as a nation to fight for their independence. Through corporation and good governance of the Catalonia people they can be able to come up with along lasting solution on how they can strive to be an independent. This corporation is the main one which facilitated them to gain their independence. The status of autonomy mainly referred to Catalonian territory, history, language symbols and projects which are meant to be shared in future. It also refers to direct Catalan consciousness which is meant to form a differentiated community. According to statute, all Spanish citizens who according to the general law of the state are legal residents in he municipality of the Catalonia are the ones who should be regarded to as Catalan. (Montserrat, 2004, Pg 79). Catalonia Independence from Spain and France is greatly supported by the Catalan independentism which is a political movement. The main pro-independence party of the Catalan was Catalunya which was established after the Spanish Civil War. Therefore, Barcelona as the capital city of Catalonia and a very popular city in Spain has greatly triggers the attainment and growth of Catalonia independence. Since its the city whereby major activities took place which helped in triggering the achievement of an independence state. Since Barcelona is the second largest city in Spain, it had quite an influential role to Catalan nation which were the main occupants of the city. Barcelona also being the major economic centre, it could be able to fund Catalunya party which was the pro-independence party of the Catalan which was meant to trigger the independent of the Catalonia. Barcelona is the main city in Catalonia government which houses the seats of Catalan government. In this the executive branches of the government, the parliament and the Supreme Court of the Catalonia. Due to these facts there leaders who are housed within the city come up with strategies which could enable them to attain independence. Barcelona city also acts as the capital of the country of the Barcelonese. Due to the many roles that the city of Barcelona played, it proved that indeed it had great contribution towards the attainment of the Catalonian independence. Therefore, the city of Barcelona due to its good cultural, climatic, political and social background enabled the people of Catalonia to come up together for them to fight for the Catalonia independence. Work Cited David Thatcher, 1999, Cambridge Companion to Modern Spanish Culture, Cambridge University: United State. John Hargreaves, 2000, Freedom for Catalan? Catalan Nationalism, Spanish Identity, Cambridge University Press: United State. Maria Montserrat, 2004, Catalan Nationalism, Francoism, Transition and Democracy, Routledge: New York, Pg 35-37 Sue Wright, 1999, Language Democracy and Devolution in Catalan, Multilingual Matters: Canada, pg 20-23 Louis Snyder, 1990, Encyclopaedia of Nationalism, Paragon House, pg 51-55 Damien Simonis, 2006, Barcelona, Lonely Planet pg 29-33.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Archetypes In The Natural Essay -- essays research papers
Archetypes in The Natural      After discovering a God-given talent, a young boy struggles to achieve his only dream; to become the best there ever was. Baseball is all he has ever known, so he prevails through the temptations and situations laid before him by those out to destroy his career. His hopes and dreams outweigh all the temptations along his journey. These hopes, dreams, and temptations are depicted through archetypes in the movie The Natural.      An archetype is a universal symbol. It is also a term from the criticism that accepts Jung’s idea of recurring patterns of situation, character, or symbol existing universally and instinctively in the collective unconscious of man. Archetypes come in three categories: images (symbols), characters, and situations. Feelings are provoked about a certain subject by archetypes. The use of the images of water, sunsets, and circles set the scene of the movie. Characters, including the temptress, the devil figure, and the trickster, contribute to the movie’s conflicts that the hero must overcome in order to reach his dream. However, to reach his dream, the hero must also go through many situations such as, the fall, dealing with the unhealable wound, and the task. By using archetypes in the movie, the viewer can obtain more than just the plot and better understand the true theme of the movie: to never give up on dreams.      Archetypal imagery in this movie is abundant, but the most obvious and repetitive archetypes are those of water, sunsets, and circles. Prior to Roy Hobb’s, the hero’s, arrival to the major league, the coach, Pop, comments, â€Å"Wouldn’t you think I could get a fresh drink of water after all the years that I have been in this game.†At this point in the game, his team is losing miserably and Roy’s arrival only seems to make the situation worse because his first impression is an overage rookie. When Roy finally gets a chance to prove himself as a ball player and does, the water from the fountain begins to taste good. The water changing from bad to good shows a birth for the team. Since water is necessary for growth, it also symbolizes a growth stage for the team from the worst to a competitor. Roy appears to be â€Å"the fresh drink of water†that Pop has been wanting. The sunset also emerges into view several times in t... ...s ball despite the risk of death. Roy’s task is to identify himself so that he may reassume his rightful position as the best baseball player in the game. He earned the position the first time when he struck out the Whammer. After returning to baseball, Roy must again prove himself as the best. First, Roy must earn the respect from his coach and the players before he can attempt to make a name for himself. Once that is accomplished by showing off his hitting talents, Roy Hobbs easily becomes a household name. It takes awhile, but he does become the persistent front-page story. The movie The Natural obviously benefits from using the images of water, sunsets, and circles, the characters of the temptress, the devil figure, and the trickster, and the situations of the fall, dealing with the unhealable wound, and the task. By using these archetypes in the movie, the plot is not all the viewer sees. The movie becomes more in depth. More feelings can also be provoked by the use of archetypes, which will involve the viewer more in the movie and allow them to connect with the characters. Roy’s dream to become the best becomes enhanced by the continuous use of archetypes in the movie.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Tell-Tale Heart
The Tell-Tale Heart In his narrative poem The Tell-Tale heart, Edgar Allen Poe tells the story of an insane madman who is in love with an old man’s eye. The story begins with the madman telling us how he loves the old man but wants to kill him because of his eye. The old man’s eye is like none other and resembles a vulture’s eye. And Poe instills his poem with the same despair experienced by the narrator by using characteristics that are typical of gothic literature such as, High Emotion, Mysterious Atmosphere’s, and Spooky Visions. One gothic element that Poe uses throughout The Tell-Tale Heart is high emotion.This is first apparent when the old man heard someone in the room. The old man sprung up terrified and said â€Å"Who is there? †alert as can be the old man stayed up and put out a terrified groan. The horrific groan of the old man contributes to the high emotion feel of the story. The other gothic element Poe uses throughout The Tell-Tale H eart is a mysterious atmosphere. This was first noticeable when the madman crept into the old man’s room and said â€Å"The room was black as pitch with thick darkness†And within the room the madman had to carry with him a lantern to see clearly.The pitch black room certainly contributes to the mysterious feel of the story. The fact that the old man is asleep and lives in a creepy place makes the story have a mysterious atmosphere. More Gothic elements Poe uses throughout The Tell-Tale Heart are Omens, Portents, and Visions that the mad man haves. These first appeared at the beginning when the mad man said: â€Å"I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and rid myself of the eye forever. †The mad man was having vision of killing the old man.The mad man started hearing a loud unbearable ringing in his ears after he buried the body under the floor and the cops came in. All of these examples certainly contribute the omens, portents, and visions occurrin g in this narrative. Tell-Tale Heart is a classic story about a mad man who stalks and kills someone because of his eye. The madman was so in love with this eye that he would be willing to take the life of an innocent old man. Deep down inside the madman’s conscious wouldn’t let him live.The madman thought everything was going to be okay but the only person that wouldn’t let him go on was himself. As the cops where talking he got an annoying ring in his head and it wouldn’t stop until he came clean. It is not surprising that this narrative poem ends on such an unhappy note, because Poe places that tone throughout the poem. By using things that are typical of gothic literature like High emotion, Mysterious Atmospheres, and Crazy Visions, Poe creates a poem that is wrapped in Mystery. The Tell-Tale Heart The Tell-Tale Heart In his narrative poem The Tell-Tale heart, Edgar Allen Poe tells the story of an insane madman who is in love with an old man’s eye. The story begins with the madman telling us how he loves the old man but wants to kill him because of his eye. The old man’s eye is like none other and resembles a vulture’s eye. And Poe instills his poem with the same despair experienced by the narrator by using characteristics that are typical of gothic literature such as, High Emotion, Mysterious Atmosphere’s, and Spooky Visions. One gothic element that Poe uses throughout The Tell-Tale Heart is high emotion.This is first apparent when the old man heard someone in the room. The old man sprung up terrified and said â€Å"Who is there? †alert as can be the old man stayed up and put out a terrified groan. The horrific groan of the old man contributes to the high emotion feel of the story. The other gothic element Poe uses throughout The Tell-Tale H eart is a mysterious atmosphere. This was first noticeable when the madman crept into the old man’s room and said â€Å"The room was black as pitch with thick darkness†And within the room the madman had to carry with him a lantern to see clearly.The pitch black room certainly contributes to the mysterious feel of the story. The fact that the old man is asleep and lives in a creepy place makes the story have a mysterious atmosphere. More Gothic elements Poe uses throughout The Tell-Tale Heart are Omens, Portents, and Visions that the mad man haves. These first appeared at the beginning when the mad man said: â€Å"I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and rid myself of the eye forever. †The mad man was having vision of killing the old man.The mad man started hearing a loud unbearable ringing in his ears after he buried the body under the floor and the cops came in. All of these examples certainly contribute the omens, portents, and visions occurrin g in this narrative. Tell-Tale Heart is a classic story about a mad man who stalks and kills someone because of his eye. The madman was so in love with this eye that he would be willing to take the life of an innocent old man. Deep down inside the madman’s conscious wouldn’t let him live.The madman thought everything was going to be okay but the only person that wouldn’t let him go on was himself. As the cops where talking he got an annoying ring in his head and it wouldn’t stop until he came clean. It is not surprising that this narrative poem ends on such an unhappy note, because Poe places that tone throughout the poem. By using things that are typical of gothic literature like High emotion, Mysterious Atmospheres, and Crazy Visions, Poe creates a poem that is wrapped in Mystery.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Signs essays
Signs essays People have many different ideas of what makes a good movie. The latest Mel Gibson movie, Signs, with the combination of good writing, use of characters, and foreshadowing, is the definition of a good movie. M. Night Shyamalan, writer and director of Signs, did a very good job using primal fear. The scary parts in this movie were not horror-like scary. Shyamalan used a more subtle scary such as an alien standing on top of a barn with only the silhouette showing. He uses the fear that sends more chills up your spine rather than that kind that sends you jumping out of your seat. Also, he has a very good usage of comic relief. Merrill Hess (Joaquin Phoenix), Morgan Hess (Rory Culkin), and Bo Hess (Abigail Breslin) play a big part in the role of the comic relief and it always seems to come at the right time. As we all know characters play a big role in movies. There is a wide range of character types in this movie, which is another key for a great movie. From Father Graham Hess (Mel Gibson), the serious character, to Merrill Hess, the laid back character who doesnt worry about too much and is a kid at heart, this movie covers them all. Shyamalan uses the well-known art of foreshadowing very well in this movie. From the very beginning there are hints to clue you in to the ending of the movie. For example, the daughter, played by Abigail Breslin, leaves classes of water all over the house saying they are contaminated. This comes into play at the end of the movie when we find out that water is the only thing that can kill the aliens who are invading. Foreshadowing, use of characters, and writing are the three things that make up a good movie. If you are looking for a movie like this, Signs, written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan, is an excellent choice. It will keep you sitting on the edge of your seat with suspense for the whole 120 minutes. ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Corwin Corporation Analysis Essays
Corwin Corporation Analysis Essays Corwin Corporation Analysis Essay Corwin Corporation Analysis Essay Executive Summary The intent of this of papers is to analyse the factors that led to the Corwin’s undertaking failure. Corwin Corporation’s relationship with a good client. Peters Company was strained because of Corwin’s failure to follow their direction policies. A fixed-price contract was signed without proper hazard analysis. the was no grounds of a undertaking program and the state of affairs was made worse by the deficiency of support from direction. This study discusses the failures in undertaking choice. deficiency of executive support and communicating dislocation. all of which lead to the undertaking being terminated by the client. Introduction Corwin Corporation accepted a undertaking which was outside their range of work from Peters Company to develop a forte merchandise. They accepted the assignment based on a unsmooth bill of exchange and without analysing the hazards and therefore taking to the undertaking being subsequently terminated by Peters Company and endangering their long-standing good relationship with the client. The undertaking started before the contract was signed. Corwin’s failure could be attributed to a figure of mistakes that were made on accepting this assignment. A figure of of import factors like the direction policy. were wholly ignored. Corwin agreed on a fixed-price 5-year contract based on a unsmooth bill of exchange. no proper analysis was done and the range was ill-defined. This meant that Corwin would be responsible for any cost overproductions incurred. It is neer advisable to accept a fixed-price contract without finding the client’s demands and whether or non they are accompl ishable. Corwin failed to delegate the right individual to pull off the undertaking. An inexperient Undertaking Manager was tasked to take the undertaking and although one of the senior directors had uncertainties about the undertaking manager’s capablenesss to take such a undertaking. his concerns were ignored. Effort Corwin allowed an in-house representative direct entree to the lab which finally left the employees unhappy and disgruntled. The deficiency of direction support besides played a major function in the project’s failure. Management was covering with the issues raised by the undertaking director passively and hoped the situation would rectify itself . The demands were hapless and the agenda was unrealistic. Poor undertaking choice. deficiency of support from top direction. non-existent alteration direction control and communicating issues were identified as countries of concern within the Corwin Corporation. For the intent of the instance survey. the research worker will be discoursing how these undertaking direction principles/concepts. if followed decently could hold prevented Corwin from accepting this undertaking. CASE ANALYSIS 1. Undertaking Choice Undertaking Selection should non be perceived to be a boring and unneeded exercising but as an of import exercising that would be good for the client and the contractor. A figure of factors such as production consideration. selling consideration. fiscal consideration. forces consideration and disposal consideration. necessitate to be taken into consideration to guarantee that the undertaking is in line with the organisation’s strategic aims. 1. 1 Poor Project Selection Corwin established a direction policy that governed the undertaking choice procedure for the rating of forte merchandise petitions. ( Burke: 67 ) provinces that The choice of the right undertaking for future investing is a important determination for the long-run endurance of a company . Frimel’s failure to follow the direction put the company’s repute at hazard. Following the undertaking choice procedure aids companies in make up ones minding which undertakings to prosecute and which to allow travel. Most of the executives were off on holiday which means that the undertaking was non evaluated utilizing the company’s choice method and without the executives’ audience. It is of import to observe that during the rating procedure. persons with different with backgrounds and subject-matter expects should been involved to do an informed determination whether or non to take on Peters Company offer. In this instance. the major decision-makers were off on vacation. Peters Company came across as intimidation and endangering in their petitions therefore this might hold led to Corwin accepting the undertaking to salvage their concern relationship. This undertaking was outside Corwin’s range and should hold neer been accepted. It answered NO on the first standards of the direction policy therefore it wasn’t feasible. 1. 2 Proposal Preparation A proposal is a response papers to the RFP ( Request for Proposal ) . it includes a program of action. provinces why the action is necessary and persuades the client to O.K. the execution of the recommended action. The proposal should besides include a plausible direction program and proficient attack. To make victorious proposals. it is of import to hold resources with relevant accomplishments and expertness e. g. capable affair expects. to assist fix a quality proposal. Royce used inappropriate and unskilled resources to fix the proposal. He had reserves about choosing West ; despite his deficiency of experience in covering with external undertakings. as the Project Manager without Dr. Reddy’s ( R A ; D Manager ) input but he ignored his inherent aptitudes. The proposal readying was conducted by contracts adult male who was non familiar with fixed-price contracts. Royce was excessively optimistic in gauging the cost and didn’t include eventuality to cover unexpected state of affairss that may originate during the undertaking. ( Clements A ; Gido. 5th Edition: 69 ) provinces that if the estimated costs are excessively optimistic and some unexpected outgos arise. the contractor is likely to either lose money ( on a fixed-price contract ) or detest to endure the embarrassment of traveling back to the client to bespeak extra financess to cover cost overruns . Corwin’s concluding proposal to Peters was a proficient papers as it contained technology purpose and cost sum-ups which were besides non dece ntly done. This later in the undertaking resulted in range creeps which saw Corwin’s net income on the undertaking diminish. 1. 3 Contract Negotiation Fixed-price contracts are good to the client but non the contractor. Before subscribing this type of contract. the client should hold a elaborate range work from the client. There are hazards associated with this type of contract for contractors. i. e. the client is apt for any cost overproductions should the undertaking run beyond agenda. budget and clip. Agring to a fixed-price contract was besides one of the lending factors that led to the project’s failure. Although the net income borders sounded appealing on the phone during Delia and Frimel’s conversation. they looked different on paper. The disadvantages of such a contract for Corwin far outweighed the advantages for Peters Company. ( Clements A ; Gido. 5th Edition: 76 ) provinces that Fixed-price contracts are most appropriate for undertakings that are good defined and entail small risk . It is good pattern to get down working on a undertaking after the contract has been signed. Corwin worked first and signed s ubsequently. 1. 4 Risk Management Ignored Royce made a committedness to measure the hazards one time he got clasp of the specification sheets. Looking at the Cost Summary in the proposal. one can reason that he neer kept to his committedness since it didn’t even include the eventuality sum. Some degree of hazard planning should be done during the induction stage of the undertaking life rhythm to do certain. for illustration. that the contractor understands the hazards involved with command on a proposed project ( Clements A ; Gido. 5th Edition: 270 ) . Risk appraisal therefore is an of import facet of undertaking induction because it helps the contractors make better determinations. negotiate just contracts and create hazard extenuation methods. A good hazard appraisal takes into consideration anything that could travel incorrect with the undertaking and determines what it would be. Accepting a undertaking outside Corwin’s scope country of expertness was a hazard. naming an inexperient scientist from the R A ; D section was a hazard. holding to a fixed-price contract was a hazard and procurance of all stuffs was a hazard. Corwin resorted to put on the line antipathy. 1. 5 Project Kickoff Meeting West solicited support from other groups after directing the proposal to the client. This left his co-workers unhappy because of the deficiency of communicating about the undertaking aim. It is the undertaking manager’s responsibility to affect the undertaking squad at the early phases of the undertaking to clearly specify the undertaking aim. gather support from the sections affected by and involved in the undertaking and specify each member’s function and duty. The undertaking director spearheads development of a program to accomplish the undertaking aim. By affecting the undertaking squad ( Clements A ; Gido. 5th Edition: 303 ) in developing this program. the undertaking director ensures a more comprehensive program than he or she could develop alone . Project kickoff meetings provide a good platform for the undertaking director to present a presentation about the meeting and its importance to the organisation. Clear functions and duties of each undertaking squad member must be discussed. An apprehension of each member’s function in a squad reduces communicating issues and late deliverables. This will non merely assist him derive committedness from the squad but it will besides help in carry throughing the undertaking aim on clip. within budget and of the right quality. 1. 6 Change Management At the start of the undertaking. a alteration control system needs to be established to specify how alterations will be documented. approved and communicated ( Clements A ; Gido. 5th Edition: 320 ) . The undertaking director did non hold proper alteration control process in topographic point. The in-house representative made alterations to the range. which resulted in range weirdo. His alterations were non documented and communicated and were non within the budget. When he requested an extra five trials beyond the in agreement range. the undertaking director should hold evaluated the petition and provided Peters Company with a proposal sketching the costs to add the trials to the range. Uncontrolled alteration exposed Corwin to unneeded hazard. A alteration control procedure is important to the successful bringing of a undertaking and ensures that each alteration introduced to the undertaking environment is suitably defined. evaluated and approved. The undertaking director in this i nstance struggled to command alterations in the undertaking because he didn’t have proper procedure in topographic point and that he lacked project direction experience. 1 Lack of Management Support Top direction support is the most of import critical success factor for undertaking success. Many undertakings fail because they have merely inactive senior direction support. In mature administrations. executives act as undertaking patrons. In this instance. Royce ( VP of Engineering ) should hold been the undertaking patron. The function of a patron is to ensure that the right information from the contractor’s administration is making executives in the customer’s administration. that there is no filtering of information from the contractor to the client. and that person at the executive degree is doing certain that the customer’s money is being spent wisely ( Kerzner. 7th Edition: 475 ) . The undertaking failed to accomplish an enthusiastic blessing from the president. there was small hope of it being successful. Undertakings need some engagement by executive direction to apportion needful resources suitably to the undertakings. The executives set strategic end for organisation and uses undertakings to run into those ends. They need to supply counsel to undertaking directors that is in line with the organisation’s strategic aims and track the alliance of those aims to the undertaking objectives. Frimel. after originating the undertaking. distanced himself when he handed full duty over to Royce and went on holiday. Frimel had experience in these types of undertakings because his section was the determination shaper for the forte merchandises. He should hold acted as undertaking patron and supported Royce but alternatively. left him to neglect. During the first meeting in which the undertaking was discussed. Dr. Reddy ( R A ; D Manager ) expressed his dissatisfaction about the pick of undertaking director Royce had made. 2. 7 Organizational Structure and Culture The organisational civilization. manner. and construction influence how undertakings are performed ( PMBOK. 4th Edition: 27 ) . Corwin has maintained a functional organizational construction for more than 15 old ages. In functional constructions. undertaking directors do non full control over the undertaking squads. One of the disadvantages with this type of construction is the competition among functional sections. Corwin’s Marketing section made about all the determinations. undertaking directors for forte merchandises came out of selling. The Engineering section as stated in the instance survey. was considered simply as a support group . The Vice President for technology mentioned at some point that his ballot neer appeared to transport any delay. The morale was really low in some sections as they felt that they were non every bit valued as the other sections. Reddy did non give much support to the undertaking director and subsequently contradicted himself that the undertak ing director kept him in the dark . His indecent behavior can be attributed to the fact that the Vice President failed to mind his call about his reserves towards the pick of the PM therefore. he became so loath to help the PM. A healthy organisational civilization encourages answerability and personal duty. Denial. incrimination and excuses harden relationships and intensify struggles. 2 Poor Communication The president’s loath mandate was interpreted as the foreman gave his blessing . †¦ phone conversations allow the hearer to hear the tone. inflexion. velocity. volume and emotion of the voice ( Clements A ; Gido. 5th Edition: 371 ) . A loath voice sounds otherwise from an enthusiastic voice on the phone. The undertaking director failed to pass on seasonably to the executives about the representative’s interfering behavior. he thought he could manage it. The state of affairs spiraled out of control when the representatives started giving orders to the undertaking director about taking functional employees on the squad. Supplying the client with advancement studies often. maintain the client in the cringle and informed about the position of the undertaking. Communication accomplishments are one of the most of import accomplishments every undertaking director should possess. it really of import that the undertaking director communicates with the stakeholders and undertaking squad. The undertaking director should hold escalated jobs as they occurred and scheduled meetings to decide them. He should cognize what needs to be communicated to who and when. CONCLUSIONS Corwin Corporation failed to follow its ain direction policy. took on a undertaking. and neglected to use the proper direction rules. The executives were non portion of the contract acquisition and failed to develop and foster the undertaking director. The organisational civilization was such that all sections were equal but some were equal more than the others were. This resulted in people desiring to turn out themselves worthy by taking on large undertakings even though they lacked experience. The undertaking director was set intentionally set to neglect. the director knew his strength and failings but was unavailable to help until the last minute. Corwin did non hold a house regulations in topographic point with respects to in-house representatives. Corwin didn’t work the program and hence couldn’t program the work. Recommendation * Top direction demand to educate employees on the direction policy sing new undertakings. Functional directors need to take this thrust. * The Engineering section plays every bit much a function in determination devising as the Marketing and Manufacturing section. The R A ; D bring invention of the merchandises in the organisation and therefore should non be seen as a support group. * The undertaking manager’s errors were attributed to his deficiency of experience. The PM should go on to take little undertakings and the organisation must supply Project Management preparation for draw a bead oning undertaking directors within the company. * The staff’s morale is low at this point. direction needs to form team-building to hike assurance and Foster and fix relationships * Create cross functional squads to work as autonomous respond to specific directives Mentions James P. Clements A ; Jack Gido. 2007. Effective Project Management. 5th Edition. South-Western: Cengage Learning. Harold Kerzner. PHD. Undertaking Management: A Systems Approach to Planning. Scheduling. and Controlling. Seventh Edition. USA: John Wiley A ; Sons Inc. PMBOK ® Guide. 2008. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Fourth Edition. USA: Undertaking Management Institute.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Discussion 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Discussion 4 - Assignment Example Ms. Murphy, a young African American woman, visits Westcoast Medical Center complaining of persistent headache and after tests the clinician ascertains she has hypertension. She takes the patient through the pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment options for hypertension highlighting the evidence supporting the effectiveness of each until they identify the one that works best for Ms. Murphy (Speros, 2005). Ms. Murphy walks into a nearby hospital with a complaint of an unceasing headache. The clinician quickly prescribes strong painkillers to Ms. Murphy which she takes and goes home (Kienle & Kiene, 2011). Ms. Murphy visits a hospital far from her home and a clinician listens to her complaint and inspects her for different signs. The clinician engages the data she collects and is able to identify that Ms. Murphy has hypertension. She considers different treatment options each of which is supported by three controlled studies of its effectiveness and picks one that she thinks would work for Ms. Murphy (Ratanasiripong & Chai, 2013). A clinician at Blueline Medical center notes Ms. Murphy’s health complaints and checks her for extra symptoms and she concludes that it is a hypertension case. The clinician aptly searches for relevant information on different treatment options, shares it with Ms. Murphy and leaves her to choose one (Speros, 2005). As an African American woman, Ms. Murphy might be from a cultural setting where females seldom do physical exercise due to a preservative culture. She might not agree to invasive surgical procedures due to her religious values (Kienle & Kiene, 2011). Clinical judgment in evidence-based practice would help prescribe the intervention that she would afford and one that would not clash with her
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Risk and Quality Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Risk and Quality Management - Assignment Example – Analysis of Risk Management Strategy (2011) 5 Conclusion 6 Sources Cited 7 Appendix 9 Introduction Hedge funds employ a number of different risk management strategies for large scale capital management for private individuals, trusts, pension funds, and other corporate investors seeking return that beats the market averages in order to grow wealth. Some of the risk management strategies used by the Paulson & Co hedge fund include: long-short strategies, portfolio diversification, merger arbitrage, quant computer trading, momentum trading, or distressed asset accumulation. (Barufaldi, 2011) The first imperative of any hedge fund is that it does not lose money on any investment, or in the fund as a whole. The most successful hedge fund managers have such a large amount of capital under management that their investments may move the stock markets and inform other traders. Because of this, large scale capital management, as practiced by Paulson & Co. and other hedge funds, must proceed under unique constraints or restrictions to risk management in seeking to outperform not only the market indices in returns, but also in outperforming other hedge funds, mutual funds, private equity groups, and venture capitalists. This essay will analyze the use of risk management strategies in financial investments made by the by Paulson & Co hedge fund in order to determine the appropriateness of their application in wealth management. Paulson & Co - Risk Management in Hedge Funds John Paulson is a New York native and Harvard graduate who founded his own hedge fund, Paulson & Co., in 1994 on Wall Street. In 2005, Paulson developed a long-short risk management strategy for the fund that placed a large amount of capital in investments that were short the subprime mortgage market through a variety of means including shorting bonds, banking stocks, and real estate, as well as collecting â€Å"credit default swap†insurance obligations that were related to derivative ex posure. (Zschoche, 2008) According to experts, Paulson & Co’s risk management strategies paid off by returning 590 % in one fund and 350 % in another for a total of over $3.7 Billion USD. (Zschoche, 2008) The details of this investment strategy are retold in a book by Gregory Zuckerman, published in 2009, â€Å"The Greatest Trade Ever: The Behind-the-Scenes Story of How John Paulson Defied Wall Street and Made Financial History†. (Zuckerman, 2009) Paulson and Co. reported over $29 billion USD in total assets under management in 2010, making it one of the largest hedge funds in the world. (SharpeInvesting, 2010) Nevertheless, media reports suggest that the firm is down 20% in 2011, making a further review of the hedge fund’s recent risk management strategy since the 3rd quarter of 2010 in need of analysis. Paulson & Co. – Recent History Following Paulson’s success in ‘the world’s greatest trade’ in 2007-9, the hedge fund implemen ted an investment long term risk management strategy that heavily favored gold. Paulson & Co’s risk management strategy then involved placing more than $3.8 billion in gold bullion through ownership of the SPDR Gold Trust ETF (NYSE:GLD) . (Johnston, 2010) This investment included a total percentage of 16% of the total SPDR Gold Trust ETF in 2010. (Katz, 2010) The hedge fund’s broad strategy following the market crash of 2007-9 was to hedge the currency inflation inherent in Quantitative
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