Thursday, October 31, 2019
Food Safety and Biosecurity Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Food Safety and Biosecurity Policy - Essay Example The human aspect of biosecurity includes zoonotic diseases and biological food safety. Plant production provides the basis of the human food chain and it is therefore a crucial target of biosecurity. Food safety and biosecurity policy have attracted a lot of debate. Many people are against this policy and countless others are of a different opinion supporting their cause and grounds. This paper will highlight some of the arguments that have been forwarded in favor of the policy and also summarize some of the arguments against it. Many forces have heightened interest in biosecurity, including the increasing and globalized trade in food and agricultural products, expanding populations, advances in communications and technology, changing consumer patterns, rising popular awareness of sanitary and phyto-sanitary issue and greater attention to biodiversity and the environment and the impact of agriculture on these (Gullino, Fletcher and Gamliel, 2008, pg. 7). There are many arguments whic h have been forwarded in support of the food safety and biosecurity policy. Some of these include; Food safety and Biosecurity policies facilitates the necessary infrastructure that is needed to prevent, detect, diagnose, respond and recover from disease outbreaks (Falk, Wallace and Ndoen, 2011, pg. 53). The trends for increased agricultural trade among nations contribute to the goal of global food security. However, this increased trade also brings heightened pressures from natural and intentional introductions of plant pathogens that threaten agricultural systems as well as food production and distribution systems. The food safety and Biosecurity policies put in place facilitate the necessary infrastructure that is needed to prevent, detect, diagnose, respond and recover from disease outbreaks. Biosecurity policy facilitates the efficient use of limited resources through the harmonization of regulatory frameworks. Biosecurity recognizes common features among the relevant sectors, particularly in approaches to risk assessment and risk management, notification procedures, information exchange and international cooperation (Vapnek and Spreij, 2005, pg. 200). Thus it reduces burdens and facilitates the efficient use of limited resources by harmonizing the regulatory frameworks. Food production and distribution networks are susceptible to accidental on-farm contamination with human pathogens. Food safety and Biosecurity policies facilitate for the recognition of and effective preparation for, the threat of agro-terrorism, this subsequently permits government and agribusinesses to reduce the vulnerability of the agro-food system. Food safety and Biosecurity policies are very vital in the maintenance of national security in terms of assuring its citizenry an uninterrupted supply of healthy food as well as economic growth. The vulnerability of agriculture and the food chain to attack by those intending harm is based on several key features. One of these is the very importance of agriculture to national economies. Disruption of agricultural systems could have widespread and dramatic economic consequences in the food, feed and fiber sectors (Gullino, Fletcher and Gamliel, 2008, pg. 3). Affected stakeholders could include farmers and input suppliers, processors, upstream contributors such as the agrochemical industry and even the tourism and transportation sectors. Agricultural exports in most
Monday, October 28, 2019
Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay Example for Free
Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay Carl Jung is an expert in freudian theory but with a strong sense of the unconscious and its habit of revealing itself in symbolic form. His personality theory â€Å"The persona†is an archetype, or an organized principle based on things we see or do. Hamlet is an example of a person who is doing whatever it takes to accomplish what he thinks is right. Claudius gives a false impression that he uses to manipulate peoples opinions towards Hamlet. Through the physiological lens of Carl Jung, Hamlet comes off as insane trying to avenge his fathers death, while Claudius is the one trying to convince everyone hes mad, to take his rightful place as king. Hamlet displays false impressions by pretending to be mad. He does this in order to get attention from his mother, who does not believe him when he tries to explain to her what the ghost told him about Claudius. Hamlet in despair thought that his plans were pointless and did not know what to do without the support he needed from his mother. This shows the ego nature of Hamlet. Hamlet is young and focuses a great deal on his ego and worries about the trivialities of the persona displaying his false impressions. Hamet only false impression. Hamlet was deceitful, he would create spectacles in which people would misinterpret his actions for someone who might be insane. â€Å"To be or not to be, that is the question†(III, i, 56) This is the question Hamlet is contemplating throughout the book, to live, or to die. He struggles with the thought of suicide many times as a result of no one believing him. Pretending to be mad is the only way he can come up with to try to avenge his fathers death. This quote emphasizes Hamlets inner struggle to cope with two opposing thoughts in his mind, preserving his moral integrity or avenging his fathers death. It’s hard to say if Hamlet is ever really insane in the play. He struggles with life changing decisions that can potentially change many lives, which would be good reasoning for causing madness. There are many points where you might believe Hamlet himself doesn’t even know the difference between who he is and who is is pretending to be. In order to keep his crown on the throne of Denmark, Claudius manipulates events, peoples lives and relationships. He makes use of his power along with others loyalty and trust. We know Hamlets hatred towards Claudius, for marrying his mother and trying to steal his place as king. But Hamlet is the only one who believes this, everyone else isn’t aware of his intentions. It is clear that we are intended to see Claudius not as a murderous villain, but a multi-faceted villain: someone who cannot refrain from doing what he feels is right. He is morally weak, and content to trade his humanity for very little. Claudius shows a strong false impression, proved by Carl Jungs theory to be a â€Å"mask†used to present himself to the world. He’s trying to replace the King by taking everything that was his. â€Å"Though yet of Hamlet our dear brothers death The memory be green, and that it us befitted To bear our hearts in grief and our whole kingdom To be contracted in one brow of woe,Yet so far hath discretion fought with nature That we with wisest sorrow think on him,Together with remembrance of ourselves†(1.2. 1) Here Claudius is talking to his people about how they should be mourning Old King Hamlet’s death, but it would be wise for the whole kingdom to move on quickly. This is part of the â€Å"mask†he is wearing for the people, considering hes the one who killed the King in the first place. Carl Jungs theory proves itself to be true for both Hamlet and Claudius in the Play. His theory on the persona representing your public image is different, but apparent for both of them. For Hamlet, a false impression is apparent but for his gain only, He is pretending to be insane towards his mother because that the only way he feels he can get her attention. Claudius portrays a false impression towards all the people, because he is the only one that truly knows Hamlet is sane. His â€Å"mask†is to cover himself up for the Kings Murder. The truth comes out when its apparent He wants Hamlet killed. Jung states that at its worst, false impressions, can be mistaken, even by ourselves, for our true nature. This happens to Hamlet as he mistakes himself for many things he is not. â€Å"If one does not understand a person, one tends to regard him as a fool. †(Mysterium Coniunctionis). This relates to how everyone believes Hamlet is mad because they don’t understand what he saw and heard from his fathers ghost. Through the physiological lens of Carl Jung, Hamlet comes off as insane trying to avenge his fathers death and prove to his mother all he knows, while Claudius is the one trying to convince everyone hes mad, to take his rightful place as king.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Unilever Is A Multinational Company Economics Essay
Unilever Is A Multinational Company Economics Essay 1.0)Introduction Globalization can be known as the integration of economics and societies all over the world. In the globalised world because of the countries highly interdependent on economies economic crisis in a part of world affects the whole world. Because of the great depression the whole world is facing a worst financial and economic crisis which is affecting social and environment in a negative and positive ways. This crisis is negatively effecting all the countries and the businesses especially the developing countries.Respnding to this Crisis is a challenge for businesses. How the selected company that is Unilever as been affected by the crisis, how it should respond will be discussed in this report 2.0)Introduction to the Company Unilever is a multinational company which operates in 190 countries with 400 brands. It is the worlds 3rd largest FMCG (Fast moving Consumer Goods). Around 2 billion consumers use Unilever products every day. Around the world more than 171000 employees works. In Europe Unilever owns 38% of its business. In America 33% and in Asia and Africa its 29%. Unilever is a most culturally diverse company for example Unilever top Management is from 21 countries.30% of unilever managers are women. Product portfolio of Unilever includes Personal care, Home care, Water, food and beverage. Some of the global brands are knorr,lifebuoy,lipton,Reona,dove which brings more than à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1 billion revenue for the company. 3.0)Global Economic crisis Current global economic turmoil is slowing down growth of advanced economies. Major economic crisis held in United states and Europe. This crisis will be explained briefly as follows. 3.1)United States crisis United states financial crisis is one of the global economic crisis. It happened because of the high demand for personal and corporate investment many people borrowed money from the government and bought properties which they cannot afford. At last because of the high demand Banks started lending money using the customer deposits. Later moved to lend money where mortgages were being issued on the bond market. When the US borrowers started defaulting on their mortgages they lost their houses as well as the investors lost their investments including banks. Banks from many countries specially form UK continental also made loans in these markets where the banking crisis affected the whole world. This crisis led to the global recession which affected the whole world. 3.2)European sovereign-debt crisis European sovereign-debt crisis is an ongoing crisis which has made difficult for some countries in the euro zone to pay their government debt. Countries like Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, and Spain failed to achieve the target economic growth in order to payback bound holders the guarantee it was intended to be. In Greece debt increased because of the public sector wage and pension commitments. To finance the expenditure Greece went of borrowing. The result was they exceeded the size of the nations entire economy .Investors responded by demanding for higher yields for the bonds by increasing the burden .European union and European central bank necessitated a series of bailouts. European banks own a considerable amount of sovereign debt which is negatively reinforcing. Bankers were reluctant to lend money because of bad debts which led to credit crunch. Although the above mentioned five countries are in immediate danger the crisis has effects the whole world. How it has effected will be discussed in the next topic. 4.0)Effect of crisis The world economy has been affected by financial crisis. Many emerging economies are affected a lot. Due to the interconnection of the financial systems a bank failure will be a start to the failure of series of banks. For example in US financial crisis series of small financial institutions collapses resulted in the failure of lehman brothers. Customers of lehmann brothers pulled out their money in order to invest in more secure way. This laid to 10000 of job cuttings around the world. Once the financial system weakness the recession began. A recession is a situation where the economy stops growing. Recession has the effect on global trade. European debt crisis affected the financial market as well as the US government budget. International Monetary Funds (IMF)40% of capital comes from the United States. So if the IMF has to commit cash to bailout initiatives US taxpayers have to pay more tax. This will lead to the decline in the world economy at market exchange rates. Many countries facing negative impact such as trade balances and balance of payment, lack of public confidence in financial institutions, Collapse of housing markets, decrease revenue from tourism, reversal of private capital inflows, reduced ability to maintain social welfare such as health and education, reduction of fiscal space, falling tax revenues, growing budget deficit, reduced demand for imports. This financial crisis led to many social crisis and challenges which are inter related. In the recession companies makes less profit and Unemployment rates increases along with the low consumer confidence. Consumer spending is less because of the unemployment. People loose their homes ,their incomes, their savings. In the recession consumers use credit cards less and businesses also dont borrow money to expand the business. With the lower demand for loans interest rates become low. When the interest rates become low investment of foreigners goes down. Therefore local value for currency depreciates. For example when the rupee value goes down exchange rate goes up. For example if 1 US dollar is equal to Srilankan Rupees 114 during the recession it might become 135 Rupees. Which means exchange rates goes up. This will result in increase oil price. Oil is a very sensitive thing. If the oil price goes up lots of social issues comes into paly.Increase of food prices, energy cost, and poverty effects the social progress. Between January 2002 and August 2008, oil price changed from $19.7 to $133.4 a barrel. As a results of the crisis over 50 million people specially women and children had driven to extreme poverty according to the world bank. According to the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations says that crisis will effect in increase number of hunger and undernourished people worldwide. This economic crisis does not affect only the economic and financial sector. It effects the environmental protection such as clean and renewable energy, climate change because of the companies wont be able to focus more on these areas. How these crisis will impact Unilever will be discussed next. 5.0)How Economic Crisis impact Unilever IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said that the three different crises on economic, environmental, and social fronts feed off each other and cannot be addressed each in isolation.When there is an economic crisis Social problems and environmental problems arises automatically. PESTEL analysis is a framework which reviews a situation which gives a strategic direction for the company. PESTEL also ensures that companys performance is aligned positively with the powerful forces of change that are affecting business environment (Porter, 1985).This analysis is carried out to Unilever Global because when there is a change in the macroeconomic environment company have to look forward implementing strategies in order to overcome the challenges. 5.1)Political and legal Unilever is a multinational company which has to obey the operating country and regional rules and regulations. These rules cover trademarks, health and safety, patents, employment and taxes important regulatory bodies. For example Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has prohibited alcohol and pork contained food. Breach of these rules will damage the reputation of the company as well as according to the law company has to pay fine. Government changes in taxation policy to reduce unemployment will affect the company economic performance. Taxation for the imports and raw materials will affect the business negatively by increasing the price of the products. 5.2)Economical When it comes to Europe Unilever market is full of competition. Because of the crisis explained in the previous section macroeconomic environment is highly uncertain .Due to the economic crisis consumers are looking for cheaper product. In countries like France and Nederland competition for unilever is high. Customer and supplier default was resulted in the economic downturn. Customers purchasing power reduction has resulted in the company profits. 5.3)Social and economical environment Unilevers vision is to help people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and services that are good for them and good for others. Unilever has a strong reputation for the focus on employees safety, environmental protection and sustainability. It focuses on utilization of renewable resources as well as producing products which are safe for consumers. Company uses environmental friendly materials for packaging. Even all the governments are focusing on green economies and forcing the companies for that. More than developing countries developed markets focus on this. In order to increase the living standards of people Unilever Srilanka focuses on Saubhagya project which helps rural children for studies, For women job opportunities. Unilever is working on safe drinking water project in India in order to make people aware about the hygiene factor. 5.4)Technological Unilever is spending more on IT in order to improve the brand image and minimize cost through e-business.Unilever invest on research and development about à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1 billion a year which will help to develop new product which meets the consumer needs. Lack of innovation will affect the reputation as well as will increase the competitor market share. 6.0)Challenge and threat for the company Because of the crisis customers look for cheaper products.Unilever marketing channel is mainly Modern trade and General trade.Modern trade includes the supermarket chains and general trade includes retailers.Unilever has challenge because the supermarket chains comes up with their own brands. For example In srilkanka Cargills food city although it is a main retailer of Unilever Cargills has its own washing powder, jam and so many products. For them it gives big profit margin 7.0)Unilevers response to the Challanges When responding for the global crisis focusing on economical, social and environmental factors are important. 7.1)Economic Recession offers a lot of opportunities in the market by creating new gaps. In order to respond to the crisis around the world Unilever offers products with small packages, sachet, affordable variants of global brands for low income consumers. For example in Spain, Greece, United States small packs of knorr, dove, lipton brands are sold. In Greece mashed potatoes, mayonnaise is sold in small packages. Launched low cost tea and olive oil brand for the euro market to face the euro crisis. In Europe, Because of recession consumers are focusing on packed lunch and home baking. Therefore stoke baking liquid is introduced in packs where customers can re-use as lunch boxes and as an alternation for the expensive butter. In Indonesia 2-3 cents value of shampoos are sold for profit. By all these strategies Unilever trying to position some brands as a value for money. All these strategies are initially started from the emerging and underdeveloped markets. To respond to the global crisis restructuring the functions is also a strategy of the company. To reduce the staff is reduced from 223000 from 171000.This is because of the local country labor rules which increases the cost. Company planning to reduce the number of factories from 300 to 250 by merging the country operations into the region. For example in Saudi Arabian region Dubai is working as the main branch. This will save about 1 billion a year. Brands are reduced from 1600 to 400 which dont work well. This is also a way to face the crisis. This would increase the efficiency of the company rather than focusing on less performing brands. Focusing on innovation is also a best way to meet the global challenge. For example knorr has launched a product line in concentrated fruit and vegetable juices and ice-cream made out of yoghurt. 7.2)Social Unilever increase the livelihood of people by 3 main ways.Sustainabel sourcing, better livelihood and through people. Sustainable sourcing- Helps for better living and income for farmers.Unilever sustainable sourcing is applicable for palm oil, sunflower oil, Vegetables and fruits, cage free eggs. Better livelihood-By giving fertilizers, high quality seeds and training for the small farmers Unilever gets quality inputs as well as it helps to increase the living standards of the farmers. Shakthi door-to-door selling in India provides works for pure people in India which helps to reduce the poverty. People-Unilever focus on health and safety in order to reduce work place injuries. Lamplighter employee programme helps to be mentally free sand physically fit. Focusing on heath and hygien by improving the nutrition is Unilever practicing. Through lifebuoy brand hand wash it reduced the disease diarrhea, through signal brand tries to improve oral health, pure it water filters provide safe drinking water ,through dove brand it helps people to increase the self esteem. As a company which focuses on well being of the consumers has a nutrition strategy which tries to reduce the fat, salt and suger level and to increase the essential fatty acids in the products. Unilever introduced hellmanns myonise with 5% fat focusing the hygien of the consumers. This would make the consumer delight. Responding to country and social needs is also a factor where unilever focus on. For example an Indian woman uses more oil where western shampoos dont wash it away. Therefore company adopted its shampoo according to the Indians need. 7.3)Environmental In order to reduce the environmental impact company focuses on green house gasses, water and waste management Green house gas-Unilever tries to reduce green house gas emission from shampoos and shower gels when using and from washing clothes. Company is reformulating the products to achieve this. By reducing truck mileage company tries to reduce the Gas emission from transport. Water-Company focuses on reducing water consumption in all the stages of production and by making easier rinsing products. Comfort One Rinse fabric conditioner reduces the water consumption from 3 buckets to 1 when rinsing clothes. Washing powders like surf excel need less water .Company focuses on water reduction in the shampoos and hand wash when using. This helps in reducing the water consumption. Waste Management and Packaging-eliminating unnecessary packaging and using lightweight material is way to protect environment. In the personal and home care products using refill will also reduce the consumption of plastics for example lifebuoy hand wash is using this strategy. 7.0)Conclusion In this report current economic crisis is explained and its impact globally is discussed. It reveals that because of a crisis in a country for how far it has impact the lives of people all over the world positively and negatively. This shows how far the globalization plays a major role in peoples lives. Through PESTEL analysis how the Macroeconomic environment is effecting the company is discussed. Through this analysis some conclusion can be made. In order to maintain the market share and the consumers always company should be sensitive for the macroeconomic environment. If there is a regulatory issues in the local country, financial crisis quickly company respond to it. Company should always focus on market research and consumer behavior pattern. Although Unilever is a multinational company it should localize its operations according to the country it operates. Innovation and new product development plays a major role in the business. In the last part with example reports shows that how Unilever responded in the time of crisis.Even in the developed market it had to use the emerging market strategies like small packed products which is a new thing. 8.0)Recommendation In order to achieve a sustainable economic situation as mentioned above focusing on Social and environmental in very important. As discussed above as a leading multinational company Unilever focuses on these matters a lot. But in order to respond to the changing environmental condition following are some recommendation. When focusing on Environmental factors managing waste is very important. Although unilever focus on factory waste management it has to focus on post consumer waste management also. For this having good relationship with operating country government is important. Focusing more on green economics and promoting that would bring more environmental friendly customers into the business. This segment although the price is high because of the environmental friendly products they wont think twice to buy. Focusing more on health and hygien by introducing new products such readymade green tea,energy drink and focusing targeting young generation would bring advantage.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Fuel Cell or Battery Essay -- Environment, Carbon Pollution
Introduction An increase of carbon pollution around the world has called for better options for the future of motoring. The two types of motoring options which have been developed are the hydrogen fuel cell and electric battery vehicles. Both of which provide pros and cons within the system, on the environment and cost wise. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles A hydrogen fuel cell is an electrochemical cell which directly converts the chemical energy in hydrogen and oxygen to electricity with pure water (figure 1). In general fuel cells have a similar arrangement which consists of an electrolyte and two electrodes, but there are many types of fuel cells which are classified by the kind of electrolyte used (DOE Energy Efficiency, 2006). An electrolyte is a liquid or gel that contains ions and can be decomposed by electrolysis and is present in a battery. The hydrogen fuel cell pathway consists of three conversion stages, the conversion of electricity to hydrogen, the conversion of hydrogen back to electricity and finally, the conversion of electricity to mechanical energy (Stephen Eaves, James Eaves, N/D). A Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell is widely regarded as the most promising for light-duty transportation. Hydrogen gas flows through channels to the anode, where a catalyst causes the hydrogen molecules to separate into proto ns and electrons therefore increasing the production of energy (DOE Energy Efficiency, 2006). The Polymer Electrolyte Membrane also operates at a temperature of 50–100Â ºC and has a 50–60% electric efficiency . (Bill Siuru, 2007) As the electricity production process is direct through an electrochemical device in a fuel cell, it never goes through the step of being a high-temperature gas through norm... ...drogen vehicles were to be more widely used, methods of producing hydrogen in a cost-effective way would have to be developed and producing enough to power an everyday car would also be a challenge (U.S. Department of Energy 2010). Conclusion Fuel cells are clean, fuel efficient, and fuel flexible. Any hydrogen-rich material can serve as a potential fuel source for this developing technology. Although it is reduces carbon emissions new research will have to be carried out to ensure it becomes cost-worthy for everyday users. Battery powered cars are for the moment the most viable and inexpensive option however the carbon emissions are adding to the already thinning atmosphere. By implementing hydrogen fuel cells as an alternative for maybe large forms of transport there will be a significant reduction of greenhouse gases for everyday transportation users.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ancient Roman Government Notes Essay
The â€Å"common-people†assembly which helped give the citizens more political power Empire- A dominating nation with extensive territories and a powerful ruler Laws of the 12 Tables- Guidelines for citizen’s behavior; a list of Roman customs about property and punishment Mercenary- A soldier who is hired for service in a foreign country Patrician- Member of Rome’s richest and most important families who served on the Senate for life Plebeian- The common person or lower-class citizen Roman Senate- One of the two houses of the early Roman republic Republic- A country run by the elected representatives of its people Tribune- A leader within the Concillum Plebus In 500 B. C the Roman government was forming into a republic; in which the people have the freedom to vote for their leaders. There were two parts, or two houses, to the Roman Republic: the Citizen Assembly and the Senate. The elected officials headed the two councils and they served one-year terms. The republic was established in 509B.C and lasted 500 years. Differences between the Greek and Roman governments: In Greece all men were allowed to vote In Rome only men with money/property could vote The Senate was the most powerful part of the government; all senators were patricians. To obtain political rights, the common people (Plebeians) formed their own assembly, the Concillum Plebus and named their leaders tribunes. Establishing peace and order gave Rome stability: Rome’s first code of law was esta blished in 450B. C. On ten tablets, ten legal experts wrote down a list of Roman customs about property and punishment. However, due to plebeian pressure, two more tablets were added to satisfy them. The final code was called the Laws of the Twelve Tables. By the end of the third century Roman law covered issues dealing with foreigners and eventually covered magisterial law to strengthen and correct existing law. The Roman Empire took its first steps of dominance in 27B. C when the law’s development was taken over by the emperors, who added and revised freely. As the law got more complex, the government had to literally train jurists who could understand and interpret the laws. The stability of the law, the military, and financial standing of Rom kept it powerful. Rome successfully battled the Carthaginians, the Celtics(British), the Etruscans, and the Samnites. The Roman Empire was established around 27B. C. The empire spanned three continents. The empire was divided into states that were ruled by governors who collected taxes and sent money back to Rome.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Guide on How to Write a Classification Essay Know-How
Guide on How to Write a Classification Essay Know-How The Definition of a Classification Essay The most straightforward approach to clarify the essence of a classification paper is that it is a formal bit of composition intended to exhibit your abilities in categorizing and generalization. You will need to sort out your chosen subject into categories and present examples that fit each. It is up to you to decide on what will serve as a criterion for characterization, but you should be able to clarify your thinking. Pre-writing Tips from Our Writing Experts In order to write an effective classification essay, you should do research and gather as much information as possible. To start with, ask yourself such thing: â€Å"What am I interested in?†, â€Å"In what categories it can include?†, â€Å"What is a criterion for my classification?†, and â€Å"Are there enough accurate examples to describe those categories?†The following tips ought to help you answer these questions. 1. Choosing a Topic for a Classification Essay There is a wide range of available topics that you can explore in your essay. These are some of the examples that you can use: Types of Political Systems; Models of Parental Education; Genres of Video Games; Types of Healthy Diets; Effective Techniques to Quit Smoking; Types of Behavioral Disorders; Philosophical Theories of Human Identification; Classification of Art Movements; Types of Drinkers; Types of Conspiracy Theories; Classification of College Students; Popular Types of YouTube Videos. As you see, there is a myriad of topics to choose from since there are many subjects that can be put into categories. Just pick one of them and proceed to the next step – classification. 2. Define Categories Make sure that your categories match each other and that you did not leave out any critical ones. For instance, if you examine the types of political systems, then it would be reasonable to take into consideration the most common ones, such as Democracy, Republic, and Communism. However, if you decide to substitute Democracy with Theocracy, then your list of categories would be inappropriate since, in contrast to the other mentioned examples, Theocracy is an unconventional political system. 3. Choose Your Criteria for a Classification Once you defined your categories, it is vital to fit them into a specific organizing principle. Ask yourself how you would like to sort them. For instance, your criteria for the classification of political systems can consider their effectiveness. What form of government is found to be the most effective? Build your essay on the discussion of each of the mentioned types in accordance with this particular principle. The Structure of a Classification Essay Following a strict structure in a classification essay is essential. The most popular and effective approach to writing essays is the â€Å"five paragraph†method. It comprises three parts: an introduction, three body paragraphs, and conclusion. In fact, each section of the paper should perform its specific role. 1. Introduction It is of utmost importance to start your essay right in order to evoke interest in a reader. What constitutes a good introduction is, first of all, a â€Å"hook†or in other words a sentence that can grab attention instantly. A hook can be a quote of an eminent person, statistics, or an anecdote. For instance, if you are writing an essay that classifies types of drinkers, then your introduction can begin with the following sentence: Ernest Hemingway once said, â€Å"I drink to make other people more interesting.†In this manner, the name of this famous author and his quote, which is connected to your topic, will earn your readers’ attention. After you managed to get people interested in your topic, smoothly lead them to the subject of the research. Explain to your readers what is going to be categorized in the essay. After this, get straight to the point by introducing the purpose of your classification essay. The last and the most significant part of your classification essay introduction is a thesis. A thesis statement is something that any essay should contain. A solid thesis should follow a set of specific rules in accordance with the type of paper. In this manner, for classification essay, a thesis statement should introduce the topic, provide the criteria for classification, and aptly name chosen categories. However, sometimes it is hard for writers to build a strong thesis. Here is an example of a weak thesis statement that concerns the topic of political systems: â€Å"There are such forms of government as Democracy, Republic, and Communism.†As you might have noticed, this sentence only names the categories and the topic of the research but fails to demonstrate a criterion of classification. In turn, a strong thesis on the same topic will combine all three aspects: â€Å"The forms of government that survived through ages, each effective in its own way, are Democracy, Republic, and Communism.†This thesis statement vividly introduces the topic, provides the criteria of classification, which is longevity and efficiency, and names the categories that are going to be examined in the paper. 2. Body Paragraphs The body of the paper is a core fragment of the research where you ought to prove that your abilities to gather and analyze information are flawless. Keep in mind that each paragraph should display only one particular idea. For instance, if you have three different classifications, then your paper is likely to be divided into three body sections, each of which covers one of the chosen categories. What is more important, make sure to put quality before quantity since it is always better to write a few body paragraphs that would provide enough supporting material and finish your thought, than to disperse your attention in numerous short and incomplete sections. You can order your body paragraphs in accordance with your criterion. For instance, if your classification is aimed at defining the most effective type of healthy diets, then you can start with the weakest approach and finish with the one that you consider being the most efficient. Thus, you will provide your readers with the impression of gradation so as to show that there is something more useful in the next paragraph than it is in the previous. Topic sentence: Start your body paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the fragment’s central idea to a reader. In a classification essay, such sentence should show how a discussed category is connected to the criteria of classification. Pros and cons: If possible, consider both strength and weaknesses of a discussed category. For instance, if the topic of your classification essay concerns the types of political systems, then mentioning these two opposites is vital for the understanding of the governments’ capabilities and incompetence. Provide examples: It is critical for a classification essay to back up your categories with relevant examples. Keep in mind, however, that you should strive to distribute them between the paragraphs evenly. In this manner, if your first body fragment examines two examples of its category, then the following sections should do appropriately the same. Use sources: The usage of sources is a crucial element of any academic piece of writing, and a classification essay is not an exception. You should incorporate accurate quotes from authoritative sources so that your statements would not look empty or far-fetched. Make sure, however, that you follow a required formatting style rules, since, for instance, an MLA in-text quote will look slightly different from that of APA format. Transition: Try to create a transition between the body paragraphs, so that it would not look like a mere list of categories. You should show how each of them relates to each other and the chosen criteria of classification. There are numerous transitional phrases that will help you achieve the desired unity of the text. 3. Conclusion The last but not the least section of your classification essay is the concluding paragraph. In this fragment, you have to summarize briefly every important idea that was mentioned in the paper. At first, start your conclusion with a corresponding phrase that would indicate summarization, and restate your thesis. Then, make a summary of the selected categories, so as to underscore the work done. Besides, do not give any new information in the concluding paragraph since it would mean that you have failed to explore your topic in the body section fully. Create a Plan of an Essay Remember that even a simple outline can serve as a significant boost for your productivity and contribute to the efficiency of the essay’s message. Furthermore, an outline ought to help you organize your ideas and show whether there is a relationship between them. Thus, it is always better to plan your writing beforehand so that you would not face a deadlock during the process. An outline should consist of short but informative statements that will guide you through problematic situations. It is a space in which you should try to incorporate each of the mentioned above tips and which defines the order of your essay’s sections. Here is an example of how an outline should be structured according to the â€Å"five paragraphs†method: Introduction Hook: Explain what is going to be categorized. Background: Name the purpose of your essay. Thesis statement: Build a thesis statement according to the following technique: topic, criteria of classification, list of selected categories. Three Body Paragraphs Describe Each of the Categories in the Following Manner: Topic sentence: Show relation to classification criteria; Use sources: Incorporate supporting material; Pros and cons: Name strengths and weaknesses; Provide several examples. Conclusion Restate the thesis; Briefly summarize each of the categories. This scheme of an outline can perfectly fit any topic of a classification essay and will undoubtedly prove its effectiveness during the writing process. All you have to do is to choose a specific subject of exploration, fill in the spaces accordingly, and extend them to a required limit. Post-writing Tips The moment of triumph after finishing writing the paper should not prevent you from revising it. If you want your classification essay to be effective, then make sure that you follow such post-writing activities as: 1. Proofreading At first, proofread your essay from its very beginning until the end. Pay particular attention to grammar and punctuation since the most commonly made mistakes are often connected with them. The most critical issues are usually caused due to tense disagreements, incorrectly spelled words or missed commas. Besides, strive to get your essay devoid of personal pronouns like â€Å"I†or â€Å"we†since it is unacceptable in academic writing. Although all these problems might seem not significant, they really do affect readers’ perception of the text and attitude towards its author. In fact, there are numerous platforms, such as Grammarly, that will help you with proofreading. 2. Referencing Do not forget to double check the places where you used in-text citations and a reference page. Make sure that the paper follows required formatting style guidelines. In case there are any places where you are uncertain whether you used a correct reference to a source, then you can consult the Purdue OWL website, where you can find rules and examples of the formatting styles. 3. Editing After revising the paper, you may notice that it is still incomplete. Maybe there is an idea in a body paragraph that you have not examined to the fullest, or perhaps you used passive voice too often? Remember that editing is also a part of the writing process, so try to give it proper time and consideration. Conclusion All of this information is a piece of fundamental knowledge for those who want to write a classification essay. Remember that the first draft is not always excellent, but it is a thorough revision that makes it perfect. You should also know that there is no ultimate recipe for an effective classification essay, but the mentioned above classification essay writing tips ought to facilitate your writing process and help you reach the best possible result. References 100 Classification essay topics for your next assignment. Retrieved from Classification division essay. Retrieved from Ekincier, G. (2011). Classification essay. Retrieved from Nordquist, R. (2018). What are 50 topics to classify paragraphs, essays, and more?. Retrieved from Writing a classification paper. Retrieved from
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